Part 1.4; Part 1 Finale - Joining Forces

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(3rd Person)

"State your name son."

"Brayden Truman."

"Now I'm here to ask you some questions after we found you in the woods. First of all, while it's already clear you rounded up friends of yours to vandalize Frederickson High School last night, but may I ask who else was with you when that event took place?"

"You mean besides Olivia and Paul?"

The officer nodded.

"Well, there was another guy with me, and while I don't remember very much, his name was Scott Thatcher Murphy, and I'll say something very incriminating that I do remember from the previous night," smirked Brayden.

"Ok then, I'm all for what you have to say," said the officer.

"Well, remember the valley where you found me? Because if so, I do know he and I went through there, but then I tripped, yet I think I might've been shoved down the hill, and before I blacked out, he began running in another direction," said Brayden.

"What are you saying son?" asked the officer.

"I'm thinking he turned on me before heading off somewhere different, maybe for him to reconvene with someone less innocent than him. But overall, I'm thinking he might be working with, or be, the killer themselves," said Brayden.

The officer then sighed and stood up from the desk. "Where are you going?" asked Brayden. "Off to send out a potential extra search warrant for Scott, now I'm not saying you're entirely telling the truth, but he's already wanted and he could maybe give us extra information on this case of ours. Your father will also be here soon, I'm sure you got some explaining to do to him, good day Brayden," said the officer.

And as Brayden sat alone for the time being, he smirked to himself out of sight from anyone else.



After hearing about Olivia and Paul's murders, Jefferey was now extremely strict and cautious about where we went, even to school. I even overheard him saying to Kevin how he couldn't ever take us anywhere outside of school unless he gave his permission. Savannah and I also grew scared, given how we figured these events connected to our visions, and since it was hard focusing on the matters of both school and the subject of our visions, we avoided talking to other kids in our school for that second day, who were all also anxious and scared for obvious reasons.

One of the only two other things we noted however, was a small group of kids from the elementary passing by. It was after the day was over, and one of them seemed in a small state of distress.

I asked him what was wrong, and all he said was "I, well, found out about Paul and Olivia helping Brayden and someone else vandalize Frederickson High School, and my dad recognized the substances, and we reported it to the police, and then, well, yeah."

I could tell he was anxious, and was willing to give him a few words of wisdom, and afterwards, he told me he was happy to get this information off his chest, and before we went off, he told me his name was Owen. I wished him well and we went out separate ways.

But as I got back to the car, I heard Kevin chatting to Savannah, something about Alexander Phillips. I asked him about it, and Kevin told me that he was thinking about me getting Alexander and his most trusted buddies to side with us and help us investigate these events. I hoped it would all go well, but it didn't, given what happened later that same night.


(3rd Person)

Just outside one of the parks in Bradford, near the forest, was a boy and his uncle that wanted to take a late night stroll, one that was unfortunately bound to go wrong.

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