Part 3.1 - Everything Set Up

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It's been pretty much a week on the run outside of Bradford. Well we were in one spot the entire time so that doesn't quite make sense, but one day was just explaining everything to the rest who weren't totally aware of the plot and finding a hideout.

We've had to figure out a plan to get past all those killer animals and get to the one who's orchestrating this whole plot. Who we now all know is Sheriff Morgan.

Not that we didn't suspect him, obviously, but one night while we slept, I had a dream of what I could only describe as the apocalypse all across Bradford. Sheriff Morgan was right by the side of what looked like a demon from hell but worse whilst smirking down at the same two rabbits that first began the killing spree before the demon lifted his hand up and something red and glowing was torn out of them both before it was consumed. I woke up not long after that, and before anyone says it's a dream, Carly's seen similar stuff and unless I have other things as well, this isn't too much of an outlier in the information we've gotten.

In addition, we have a theory of this whole event coming down tomorrow AKA Halloween, which may have been bad that we spent so much time planning so now we're likely far behind. Though what worries Micheal and Scott are how many more were killed in Bradford while we were out. I can only hope a small amount, Chris is ok otherwise trying to strategize more, and we've gotten until tomorrow morning to enact our plan.

Our plan is to try and pick up some of our friends and go down to the remains of the barn, or somewhere else where there could be an altar of sorts, where Morgan and some others will hopefully be so we can have a private showdown with some custom made weapons like smoke bombs, guns, and modified melee weapons. I know it's probably not great but we didn't have much time to think as you believe.

I pray to whatever gods hear me that Carly, Josh, Austin, and Thomas are all ok.


I pray to whatever gods hear me that Alexander and whoever else is left on our side are all ok. I say this for an obvious reason, which is because I am being held in a cabin with soundproofed walls and doors with Kevin, though he's barely ok, by that bastard Morgan. Jefferey, Savannah, Cody, and Trixie are all dead.

I recently saw him come in alone, smirking and cocky as ever. "I have to give it to you two you make this pretty hard to carry out without others finding out, but tomorrow this is all coming to an end," he said whilst directly looking at the two of us.

"Why don't you tell us what it is, your plan we make hard to carry out without other people finding out?" asked Kevin. "Heh, glad you asked. Tell me, do you know about the twins, I mean you obviously had that found out by now, but I mean their history here at Bradford and the tragedy sparked by the blame others inflicted on them?" he asked.

"My grandfather's father say we had done a terrible sin in the past, one which he said he wouldn't go to hell for. So we set it up so some black rats would take our place, whom pleaded with my grandfather and his father that they had nothing to do with their parents' death. I asked one of Satan's minions about it. Turns out that was the only thing we never framed them for and they had died on accident. That third murder was so we could prosper from their sacrifices. Those god damn raggedy little-...they freed them and managed to get away, though my grandfather's father made him make up the demon and burned down the farm to make sure they went out. It took him and 11 with him, but luckily those kids were gone as well, all part of the plan. My grandfather killed more to appease Satan and his hollow soldiers, though, as something went wrong with the kids' sacrifice. I learned that all it would take would be a bloodline to end, enough blood of mine to prevent us from suffering the same. All it took was for me to bottle the spirits of them and their little animal friends up into new bodies, I'm lucky I had a supply to pick from, to feed to him this coming Halloween night, the scariest night of the year. They wanted someone to reach out to, turns out your ancestry connects to mine, though not enough for you to be plagued by the curse of going to hell. You two are at the ripest he says, so why not bring you along for two of the couple remaining spots. Though we still have one more to get, one your friend already foiled, but I know his brother will lead them right to them." he explained before he paused with an emotionless look on his face.

"God you're a sick bastard for sure, they didn't deserve this-" "AND NEITHER DO I!" Morgan shouted as he cut me off. "Though I suppose this'll have to do for you, enjoy your last 24 hours here," he said as he left the two of us alone.

They better get here soon, or else we're doomed from an asshole who can't find another way to get around hell.


I only woke up at 7 on the day of Halloween, we all had wanted to quickly finish our last weapons and get stuff prepared by packing it up earlier. All our guns, bombs, etc. But doing it peacefully went out the window.

We hoped it would've gone well, had it not been for the honking and shouting we heard our trees ice the building just minutes before we were set to leave. Before we knew it, Brayden and two others of the same age entered, each with a bat in hand and eyes on Chris.

"Micheal, you're better than this you know. Scott, we'll have the police over here shortly. Chris, it's time to go home and it won't be pretty for you. And Alexander, man I thought I could trust you for a short time, but boy was I wrong, just had to throw everything going for you away. Now everyone here's gonna regret doing what they're doing here real soon, so the rest of us won't have to live in fear this night," Brayden said.

"You don't know what you're doing here man, this is serious, plus you have the wrong guys, I know I didn't believe it at first, but you need to hear us out if we want this to end well for all of us," said Scott. Brayden actually seemed to consider as he put his weapon down. "Very well then, show us," he said. Scott hesitantly came closer, only for one of the other guys to swing his bat into the back of his head and skull.

Scott simply lied there, at best he'd been violently knocked unconscious or even had a concussion, but at worst... "Heh, what an idiot, who oughta believe this guy am I right, now for you three," said Brayden AKA now the biggest asshole I've ever met.

Just then, before any of them could approach, a knife was thrown from the window, shattering what was left of it, and going right into one of the guys' skull, killing him instantly. Brayden was horrified and tried to signal his friend to get out of there, and he did, but moments later their screams were heard.

More glass shattering sounded outside, this time behind us. The white rabbit came in, with eyes focused on all of us, and it seemed like she was really pissed off from what happened a week ago. We tried to fire some of our guns at her, luckily it stunned her after getting shot in the head. Micheal quickly hopped in, but Chris and I realized we'd forgotten Scott, who we hoped to god was still ok. He and I quickly tried to respectively distract and save Scott, just as the white rabbit got back up and charged at us.

I quickly stood a limp Scott up and hurried him back quickly but we'd been caught off guard as the white rabbit had stabbed Chris in the stomach. She glared at him with glowing eyes though he bashed his head into her, knocking her back once more. "Dude, just go! They...want me," said Chris. "No man, you're badly hurt, we can't leave you!" I told him. "You can only get Scott out of here before she or her reinforcements come and finishes us off. Just go save our town. Tell my grandmother and dad I love them. And tell my step-mom and Brayden they can kiss my ass," he said.

I did as he said with tears in my eyes, throwing Scott into the truck and shouting at Micheal to just get out of there. We drove off as quick as we could, passing by the corpse of Brayden's friend on our way out. While Micheal drove, I still tried my best to wake up Scott, luckily he was mostly ok but still not feeling the best from the blood loss.

"Oh shit...what happened...where's Chris and...Brayden," he said. I told him solemnly about Chris and Brayden's unknown whereabouts. I let him go as I went back to think for a bit.

There's now only a few things I know at this point about all of this. One, Chris had likely died and now there may be another killer animal out for blood...great. And two, we need to get our strategy up with the others before we kick Morgan's ass.

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