A Cold Day in December Chapter Seven

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A Cold Day in December


I genuinely dedicate this to the three people who commented in the previous chapter XD -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



"Risto?" I asked quizzically. "What are you doing here?" My hands were clammy on the door knob as I stared at him, not a very good way to start my weekend morning. His shaky hands were rubbing against each other to create some heat, his cheeks and the rest of his face was blotchy pink. Puffs of swirling smoke escaped his mouth as he exhaled.

"Aren't you going to invite me in first?" His voice wasn't any different from his hands. I looked behind my shoulder to check on my parents, who were peering curiously at me. After a moment of consideration, I stepped aside and beckoned him to come in. Trapping the heat inside the house, I motioned for his jacket and hung it near the door. What could he possibly want that he dared the extremely cold weather just to come here? "Good morning Mr. and Ms. Mayfair," he politely greeted my parents, "I hope I didn't interrupt something." He then looked at me with a faint smile. I gave him a scowl in return, barely aware of how his features resembled someone.

"We were just having coffee," my father answered him good-naturedly, diverting Risto's attention from me to him. "Just in time for waffles." His crooked smile fooling Risto of a warm father.

My mom, the perfect hostess that she was, scurried to Risto's side, grabbing his arm and led him to the couch. "Please call me Tasha," she suggested in a somewhat seductive way. I rolled my eyes at her and followed, crossing my arms in the process.

"So what brought you here?" I asked once again, suspicion apparent in my voice.

"Don't be common Eriol!” My mother scolded, shooting me a fiery look. My dad chuckled but pretended he was clearing his throat when he received two pairs of surly eyes. "I'll be back in a minute," my mom said to Risto with a pat on his shoulder before sprinting to the kitchen. A look of total amusement traversing Risto's face.

"It's good to know that Eriol has made some friends here," my dad mused, starting a conversation. "He was always aloof and cold to others when we were in New York."

"Can't say that changed very much," Risto snickered. "He's been improving though," he added, cautiously sneaking a look at me.

"Dad?" I butted in when I saw his mouth twitch, afraid of any more form of embarrassment. "I think mom needs you in the kitchen. She could be drowning now in coffee for all we know." Dad must've caught my message because he half-heartedly stood up, setting the morning paper on the coffee table and strode inside the kitchen. Not without a final word, of course, that got me all red, and Risto laughing like a maniac.

"Your parents are really cool." A resplendent smile that seemed to take over everything about him all of a sudden triggered a resonating warmth around the room.

"Trust me, not even close," I reproached. "Its not like you to come over in good spirits at this weather. So what's up?" He shifted in his seat, regaling comfortably. "Don't worry I won't ask you how you found my house."

"I mean no harm," he wheezed. I gave him an exasperated look. "It's true!"

"I bet," sarcasm overflowing in my voice.

"Chill, I'm just visiting my co-leper." He draped his arms at the back of the couch, making himself at home. It annoyed me just by looking at him. "Why don't you sit near me?" He implored with a wink. I inhaled a deep gulp of air as his brashness and bonny grin began to tick me off.

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