A Cold Day in December Chapter Ten

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A Cold Day in December


Picture of Seth on the side, just how I imagined him to be XD




I bit my bottom lip seductively as my History teacher babbled about the Civil War, aware of the stares I was getting, but pretending that I wasn't. I took notes once in a while, my eyes wandering around the room every so often to catch some people looking my way. The seemingly permanent smirk on my face just kept on growing and growing, threatening to cover my whole face. A few minutes more of boring lesson passed before the final bell rang, snapping everyone out of their own spells.

Somehow, the sun managed to break through the heavy clouds, lightening up the sky brilliantly. Almost as if there was an explosion somewhere outside the vast universe. Somewhere outside this miserable world. I shook my head, forcing the negative thoughts out of my mind. But fragments of the old Eriol were just hard to kill. Like how I spotted Seth and the others easily in the courtyard, looking grim and demented. My new self kicked in instantly. With my head held high and the evil grin plastered on my face, I cockily passed and completely ignored them. But of course, Seth had to do something good and saintly. He suddenly grabbed my arm firmly and dragged me to his friends. People were starting to stare at us with interest.

"What's wrong with you?!" I hissed at him, he was unfazed. I shot a hateful look at him and the others who were staring at me with deep concern and worry, I could tell.

"We're worried," Ashley stated thickly, her big doe eyes glassy and shiny.

"We're not looking at the same person, are we?" Tina piped in a pitchy tone. I laughed at her question. It was really funny to my ears.

"Eriol." The way Seth said my name stung. Rage boiled inside me. How could he say my name that way and tug at my heart? "What's wrong?" His grip hardened, his eyes as gray as ever, boring into me. Penetrating. Searching. "We're your friends." My eyes darted to Chelsea, she looked like she didn't care.

My lips curled at the tips, fueling everyone's blatant pathetic desperation for answers.

"Clearly we're just wasting our time here," Chelsea scoffed, eyeing me up and down scornfully. She was about to say more but Seth shut her up with a look. By now, the drama was  drawing a lot of people including some teachers and staff. Before anything worse could happen, Seth yanked me towards his truck, opened the passenger seat and shoved me inside forcefully. I was too shocked to utter something, I didn't know Seth was capable of such violence. It wasn't like him to do something so rash.

"Get a ride with Ken," he commanded Chelsea before getting inside, shutting the door closed with a bang. "Buckle up," he ordered flatly, starting the car in a hurry. I was attempting to escape but he already put the car in reverse, stopping me. "I said buckle up." I stiffened and obliged. He was like possessed by a demon.

I've only seen that side of him during his fight with Risto. "You'll regret this," I warned icily.


"Screw you!" He didn't respond so we lapsed into silence. I gritted my teeth together, my hate for him increased a hundred fold. My fists were white, my chest heaving.

I could literally beat someone to death. I could beat him to death. I could beat him.

"Get out," Seth snapped, startling me a little. His voice sounded dead and distant.

"No," I retorted with as much vengeance as I could pour into that single word when I realized where he brought me. "And you can't make me."

He sighed. "Please," he said pleadingly, much to my disdain.

I twisted in my seat and looked him in the eyes, which was a grave mistake. And even though I knew I was stepping right into a pit, it felt terribly familiar and haunting. As if I was staring into those blue eyes again. Those blue eyes. Those damn blue eyes I couldn't forget. Those ghost of a blue eyes I see everytime I blink. Those damn blue eyes I remember when I look up at the sky. Those damn blue eyes that could read me so well lika a book. Those damn blue eyes I was trapped into.

"Why do you always mess with me Seth?!!! I told you I don't need you!!!! I don't need your stupid help!!! I don't need your stupid PITY!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!!! GET LOST!!!" I screamed til my lungs' content. I wanted so much to beat the crap out of him. To take it out into him. To throw him bloody back into his perfect snow globe. I wanted so much to make him feel what I was feeling. To make him realize I was Eriol Mayfair and I don't need anyone and never will be.


He pinned me by the door in a second, the seatbelt was biting my skin through my clothes, and he was infuriated. His face was close to mine, centimeters apart, and his gray eyes were slowly killing me. "Do you think you're alone in this world?!! Do you think I pity you?!! Because if you do, you're WRONG!!! YOU"RE SO DAMN SELFISH ERIOL !!! You're ignorant of what hurting and friendship is all about!!! You don't have an idea!!! Not even the slightest inkling!!! You-"

"SHUT UP!!! Who do you think you are?!!" And then I broke into a sob, unable to take anymore of Seth's hurtful accusations. "WE'RE NOT FRIENDS!!!" I pushed him hard and fumbled with my seatbelt, but I was too shaky to get it off of me. Tears streamed down my cheeks like a river, falling down my lap and my fumbling hands. The big lump in my throat was suffocating me. Cutting my air supply. Making my head spin like a swooshing tornado. Sweat dripped profusely on my face, mixing with fresh tears until they fall like raindrops. Like raindrops falling on a cold stormy night, hammering my window until it shatters into pieces.

Tiny little shards. Shards I would pick and piece together with my blood the next morning. Hoping another storm would spare it. False hope. False hopes blinding me of the reality of another impending storm. Breaking the already broken. Then the picking and the piecing up. The neverending cycle. Endless. Unstoppable. Eternal.


"I meant it when I told you I would save you." My head snapped back at Seth. He was wearing the same serious expression he wore when he confronted me. It seemed like yesterday. And the day before that I was still in New York. Everything flashed before my eyes like vertigo.

"I bet you did," I laughed mockingly. "But didn't you think that maybe that was how fate wanted it from the beginning? For me to fall and hit rock bottom?" I waited for an answer but there was none. "No you didn't. And now you barge in my life like you're freaking Superman?! Save me huh? Well congratulations cause you failed!!! YOU'RE A FAILURE!!!" His face registered pain. My dear friend pain embracing him and sucking his life away. Out of those swirl of liquid gray eyes. Like Risto's. I chuckled to myself, remembering what happened under that lamp post. Risto. Risto and his lobster personality. His casket eyes and cocky grin.How dumb was I interchanging him and Seth. Dumber than the dumbest person in the world.

"I'm -" he started but I cut him off.

"Save it Seth. I don't wanna hear it. But let me get this straight. I'm not your friend, so as with the others. And back the hell off." With that, I succesfully freed myself of the seatbelt and stalked off, completely oblivious of the beautiful scenery before me.

Another bridge cashed and burned. Another weight off my shoulder. Another thorn out of my chest.

How twisted was I? How come I ended becoming like this?

I was changed. I resisted. I ran away. But it still got me. I was changed. Drastically changed.

I finally made it to my house in a dreamy state. And just when I thought I could find sweet serenity, the ugly form of my mom sitting on my bed drained the last trickle of energy remaining in my battered body.

"Mom?" I complained, but the word came out like a pleading.

"There you are. Would you like to tell me what this is?"


Oh gee, two uploads in a day? Hooray!

I think I deserve comments. lol Convince me to continue posting because I tell you, next chapter's going to be STEAMY AS HELL XD

Thanks for reading!

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