Gringotts Wizarding bank

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Riptooth is the Malfoy account manager, the Black account manager, and the Potter account manager
Riptooth:ah, Master Malfoy and Master Potter, may your enemies fall to your knees. Lucius:may your gold ever flow, I need to store the artifact in my vault, and can you do a blood test for Mr. Potter? Riptooth:certainly Master Malfoy, right this way young Master Potter.
In Harry's vault
Riptooth:Ok, I require 3 drops of blood on the paper. Harry:*bites his finger a little and drops the blood*. Riptooth:*reads the paper*.

Intelligence: 100%(dropped by half)

Loyalty potion(towards Albus Dumblewhore, Hermione Granger, Molly, Ronald, and Ginevra Weasely)

Love potion(towards Ginevra Weasely made by Professor Slughorn under orders of Albus Dumblewhore

Illegal marriage contract between Ginevra Weasely and Harry Potter(signed by Albus Dumblewhore and Molly Weasely)

Hatred potion(towards All Slytherin)

Dragon, Wolf, and Buck Animagus(blocked by 100%)

Dark core(changed)

Illegal blood adoption active after 11(Molly Weasely)

Account access(given to Albus after the age of 11)

Harry:bloody hell. Riptooth:it seems like Albus has been withdrawing money from your accounts Illegally. Harry:can you remove the blocks from me? Riptooth:certainly Master Potter and what about the money? Harry:void all unauthorized transactions and take 40% percent for such a good and honest job as an accountant. Riptooth:we are protective of our client's gold but thank you, Master Potter.
Harry reverts to normal and is taller, more handsome, and much more intelligent
Hadrian:thank you Master Riptooth, may your gold ever flow, I need to have a word with Dumblewhore.

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