The truth and adoption

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At Malfoy Manor in the livingroom
Narcissa:oh, you're home Lucius, and why do you have Mr. Potter with you? Harry:well, Mr. Riddle wanted to meet me and I went with Mr. Malfoy to Gringotts. Tom:ah, greetings Mr. Potter, thank you for meeting me. Harry:it's Ok sir. Tom:please call me Tom. Harry:Ok, so Tom, when you said Dumblewhore isn't to be trusted, you were right because he put blocks on my intelligence, power, and Animagus forms. Tom:I'm sorry, WHAT! THAT OLD BASTARD WANTED TO MAKE YOU WORSE AT MAGIC! Bellatrix:what's happening, Tom? Tom:oh, hey Bella, you remember Harry. Bellatrix:*runs towards Harry and hugs him tight*. Harry:what is happening? Tom:don't tell me that fool wiped your memories as well. Lucius:*grabs the Pensieve and a copy of one of Harries earliest memories*here Tom.
*The memory*

Bellatrix :*cradling Harry and singing to him*I love you my little Hadrian. Tom:hide Hadrian, That Senile old Goat is coming. Bellatrix:ok love. Dumblewhore:hello you lot. James:what do you want you senile old Goat? Dumblewhore:now, you should have given me the boy, all four of you were some of the best students I've ever had, even surpassing Minerva but since you didn't bend I have to end your lives, *AVADA KEDAVRA and Lily and James Die* and now so I don't get caught*Hogwarts*.

*The end of the memory*

Harry:so, the old Goat killed the people I thought were my parents and left because you two are good parents? Tom:yes, but they were your Aunt and Uncle, they adopted you whilst Bella was a death-eater. Harry:so that old man made me live with that abusive man and let me get beat daily just so I could be his PROPERTY?! Tom:yes he- what? Bellatrix:you got beat?! Harry:I guess he wanted him to 'beat the magic out of me' or something like that. Bellatrix:he is so dead. Harry:so, you two are my actual Mum and Dad? Bellatrix:yes*hugs Harry tight*. Harry:*hugs back*. Bellatrix:so what are your Animagus forms? Harry:the sheet said Wolf, Dragon, and Buck. Bellatrix:you have three Animagus forms?! Harry:yes Mum. Tom:well the Dragon form is from both of us, the Buck is from me and the Wolf is from Bella. Harry:wow, so you are my parents? Bellatrix:yes, and it was your father who gave you the Invisibility cloak. Harry:wow, and I didn't give the old fool the Sorcerer's stone, I disguised a regular rock as it. Bellatrix:oh my god, that reminds me so much of James. Tom:yeah so now you know the truth. Draco:HARRY*hugs him tight*! Harry:hey Draco*hugs Draco*I remember that we were friends. Draco:so did you get the blocks removed? Harry:Does this answer your question*Turns into a Dragon, a Wolf, and then a Buck*. Draco:*shocked*wow. Harry:yeah wow. Snape:hello Draco, Hadrian-wait HADRIAN?! Harry:hello Professor Snape. Snape:*crying*my boy, is it you? Harry:yes, I got the blocks and potions removed. Snape:I'm sorry, blocks?! That old bastard!

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