Chapter 1

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The boys were exhausted, but at the same time too excited so none of them was able to fall asleep during their long car ride. They were finally going on a well deserved holiday after touring around the world and every single one of them was ready to spend some time with just the seven of them, away from their hectic life of the past few months. Don't get them wrong, they loved touring and meeting ARMY around the world, but it was also very intense because they were not only doing concerts but they needed to attend to a lot of interviews and talk shows as well. Their schedule had been filled every day and the members barely got a day off, up until now. They were going to spent a whole week in the mountains somewhere in the northern part of Europe. The place was remote and the staff had found a villa that was big enough for the seven boys to share, making it a perfect destination for their holiday.

When they finally arrived at the big house after a 3 hour car ride and another 10 hours in a plane, the boys were ready to fall asleep on their feet. But before they could, they needed to leave the car, get their luggage and divide the rooms. And Seokjin wanted them to eat something as well before they were going to bed since they didn't eat a lot during their trip.

"I got it hyung" Jungkook said before Seokjin could grab his large suitcase from the back of the van. The oldest smiled at the offer but shook his head "I'm older than you, but that doesn't mean I can't carry my own suitcase!"

But the youngest ignored him and continued to carry his and Seokjin's luggage towards the house. Seokjin sighed, but when he noticed some groceries lying in the back of the car, he decided to carry those instead. 'At least I can make myself useful' he thought.

When the front door of the villa opened, gasps and excited squeaks were heard from multiple members and the older member could tell from their reactions that the place was amazing. And indeed, it was when he entered the house soon after. At first he saw a kitchen as big as their first dorm with modern furniture, a bar and not just one - but two refrigerators. The staff wasn't lying when they told them that the house would be big enough for the seven of them. Seokjin quickly placed the groceries on the counter and followed the rest of the members, who were already checking the rest of the villa.

The second room he saw was the living room and well.... It was just perfect. One U-shape couch was in the middle and Seokjin was sure he had never seen a bigger couch in his life before. It was not only big, but it also looked super comfortable since it was littered with cushions in different kind of colors and shapes. It was clear that the styling was done by a professional designer, because it looked like a picture from one of those magazines. The oldest made a mental note to take some pictures so he could use it as inspiration for his own room back in Seoul. Not that he could fit the same couch in the tiny room, but he did really like the styling though.

"This is the best room for sure!" he heard Taehyung shout in the background and soon Jimin's voice followed "How can you know that? We haven't seen the other rooms yet"

Seokjin smiled and moved towards the hallway where the rest of his members were. There was one bedroom with a bathroom connected to it, and like the living room, the styling was perfect again. It was simple but modern, just the way he liked it.

"I think this is the master bedroom, there are three more bedrooms on the other side of the house. I thought those were the master bedrooms, but wow this one is even bigger!" Hoseok said when he joined the maknaes and Seokjin. He, Namjoon and Yoongi had chosen to check the other hallway first, and soon the other two rappers were in the bedroom as well making the group complete.

"So how are we going to divide the rooms?" Jimin asked excited. The boy was scanning the closet as if he owned the room already.

"Just like we usually do? I'm too tired to do anything else" Yoongi mumbled

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