Chapter 10

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After Namjoon had announced that the water had warmed up enough, Yoongi went back to the kitchen to grab some glasses along with a sipping cup he found with a few other baby and child stuff. Taehyung was 20 years too old be drinking from a cup like that, but he was injured and unable to sit upright because of the wooden stick in his leg, so this was the best option they had. The boy had lost a lot of blood as well, and since he was still able to stay awake they decided to at least try and get him something to drink.

"Here" Yoongi said when he knelt down next to Namjoon near the fireplace. The younger rapper raised his eyebrows at the sipping cup, but he also didn't question him because it didn't take a genius to understand why he had grabbed it. So he carefully poured the water into the plastic cup and when he was done, Yoongi tested the water's temperature before he put the lid back in place.

"Hey Tae, I got you some water. Can you lift your head a little bit?" the second oldest asked, but he wasn't surprised when Taehyung didn't react so Seokjin gently grabbed the boy's head and lifted it for him instead. Yoongi carefully placed the spout of the drinking cup in between the boy's lips and titled it slightly to let the water flow in his mouth. Taehyung's unconsciously stopped sobbing for a moment when he felt the warm liquid in his mouth and he started to drink greedily from it.

Seokjin and Yoongi watched fondly how the boy successfully drank from the cup, and not because he was looking absolutely adorable right now, but mostly because they were relieved that they could at least get some water in him. The water wouldn't make up for the blood he had lost, but it did stall possible dehydration.

"Where did you find the cup?" Seokjin whispered as he didn't want to interrupt Taehyung. He didn't know if the younger singer was even aware that he was drinking from something that belonged to a toddler, and he really didn't want to put up with his whines if he found out.

"There's a kitchen cabinet filled with baby and child stuff" Yoongi answered with a smile "I almost grabbed a baby bottle, but then I saw this one"

"I'm happy as long as he drinks some water" Namjoon joined them with the remaining water. He set the glasses on the salon table before he sat down next to Seokjin and watched over Taehyung as well while rubbing the boy's back.

"Should we try and get Jimin and Jungkook to drink something as well?"

"I don't know..." Seokjin answered as he looked over his shoulder to look at the oldest maknae that was still buried underneath a pile of blankets. "We could try Jimin first. I'm not sure if we should wake Jungkook, I don't want him to injure himself again when he wakes up"

The two others nodded and when Taehyung had finished his water, the three silently agreed that Seokjin would stay with him while the rappers went to Jimin next. The two made quick work to refill the sipping cup before Namjoon woke the boy and lifted him in his arms so he remained seated while drinking.

"Hey Jimin, do you think you can drink some water?" Yoongi asked as he showed the cup in front of his face. Jimin looked confused around him as he tried to understand how he was suddenly sitting upright, but it also seemed like he didn't completely understood what the older member was asking from him.

"Hyung? What's going on?" the oldest maknae asked

"You're in the living room, but we covered your head because of your headache" the rapper whispered and gently peeled the blanket back so Jimin could see his surroundings. And when the boy didn't winced or pull back when more light was hitting his eyes, Yoongi eventually removed it completely from his face.

"Isn't it too bright for you?" Namjoon asked concerned at the boy who was sitting sideways in his lap. But Jimin shook his head and let his head rest tiredly against the leader's broad chest. The two rappers sighed relieved that the boy was slowly improving, but they also knew that he was still far from being alright "That's good to hear Jiminie. Yoongi has some water for you, you should drink it"

Jimin finally understood why his second oldest hyung was holding a drinking cup in his hands, but the realization of getting something in his upset stomach was making him nauseous again "No"

"No?" Yoongi asked as his concerns grew intensified again. "Are you feeling sick again? Do you need to throw up?"

"Don't feel good"

"I'm so sorry Jiminie, but can you try for hyung? I don't want you to get dehydrated" Namjoon said. The boy remained silent and the other two didn't know if he was thinking about what they had said, or if he was lost his surroundings again, but either way Yoongi lifted the cup and placed the spout near Jimin's lips like he had done with the other 95-liner. Jimin closed his lips at first, but when the second oldest tried one more time, the maknae gave in and gently suck at the spout.

Unlike his soulmate, Jimin was drinking with less enthusiasm from the water and after a minute or two he barely drank a few sips, but as long as he was still drinking the two older members didn't complain. They continued to shower him with praises and rubbed his arms and legs in comfort. Another couple of minutes had passed before the boy completely lost his interest and pulled his head back from the cup. Jimin then slightly wiggled and repositioned himself so he was basically draped over Namjoon's body, trying to get closer to the warm body underneath him. The two rappers then covered the maknae with blankets again before Yoongi stood up and grabbed some water for himself and his only hyung.

"I want to give it a shot with Jungkook. He needs the water the most" Yoongi started "I know he's in a lot of pain, but he's probably dehydrated already. If he can't drink, he can't but we should at least try it"

The oldest rapper watched the other two closely for their reactions, but for the first time since years he was having troubling reading their facial expressions. Seokjin was staring at a spot on the wall as he absently continued to ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair and Namjoon kept himself busy with Jimin in his arms. It almost seemed like they didn't hear him, but he knew that wasn't the case because Namjoon and Seokjin weren't deaf.

"Fine, don't say anything. I don't care anyways" Yoongi muttered angrily when the two remained silent. He put the glass on the salon table a bit too harsh and grabbed the sipping cup that was still half filled with water.

"Don't" Seokjin suddenly said when Yoongi got closer to Jungkook.

"Oh now you care?" Yoongi snapped

"Please don't do it Yoongi" the oldest practically pleaded "Please not again. He isn't in pain right now, please"

"I know he is, I'm not stupid! But he needs the water more!"

"What if he moves his leg and the bleeding is getting worse again?"

"We have to try! It's the only thing we can do right now! We don't know when help is coming, he needs all the water he can get!"

"You didn't see it!!" Seokjin yelled "You didn't see how bad his leg was bleeding. Hoseok's hands were dripping with his blood. My-" his voice cracked when his emotions got the overhand "My hands were dripping with blood. You didn't see it"

Yoongi and Namjoon didn't dare to say anything after the oldest boy's outburst. Seokjin sighed deeply as he tried to calm himself "Please Yoongi, don't wake him, please I beg you"

A silence fell over the room as Yoongi stood awkwardly in front of the couch, not knowing what to do and Namjoon didn't want to choose sides and decided to remain silent as well. Seokjin however was looking a both of them with pleading eyes, a sight that was new was any of them. Normally, the oldest could use his 'hyung' card and the others would follow without asking questions. But this wasn't a normal situation and they had to rely on each other to help the maknaes.

But then a sound coming from one of the bedrooms interrupted them and three set of eyes widened with realization.

"Hobi is back"

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