Chapter 5

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"Kook?" Seokjin heard Namjoon whisper a little uncertain. The oldest member immediately looked to his left and watched how the rapper was leaning over their maknae so he could see the boy's face.

"What's wrong? Is he waking up?" Seokjin asked and he got his answer almost at the same time, but not from Namjoon. Jungkook suddenly bent and then stretched his injured leg, causing the older member to almost lose his grip on the wound. Seokjin instantly sat up straight and muttered something under his breath while he tried to keep up with the boy's frantic movements.

"Ah no - Namjoon, do something!"

"Jungkook stop moving. You're hurting himself" Namjoon tried to calm their youngest who was slowly starting to regain consciousness. But despite his efforts, Jungkook continued his attempts to remove his leg from Seokjin's hands and the boy almost succeeded if it wasn't for Hoseok's help. It was remarkable how much strength was left in the injured member even though he had already lost a great amount of blood.

"Come on Kook, open your eyes for hyung. You're okay" Yoongi tried to help as well since he was sitting next to Namjoon.

"Stop" Jungkook's soft voice was heard before he had opened his eyes. And if Namjoon and Yoongi weren't leaning so close to the maknae, they wouldn't have heard him.

"Stop what Kook? Please open your eyes" the second oldest said

But before they got a chance to hear the boy's response, both rapper's head shot up after Hoseok cursed loudly. Something bad must have happened, because Hoseok never curses.

"What happened?" Namjoon immediately asked, his voice filled with fear.

But Hoseok and Seokjin didn't respond since they were too busy to do so. The oldest had his back turned towards the two other rappers, but they could see how he was trying to keep Jungkook's legs in place while Hoseok was probably attending to his wound. The dancer cursed again and tossed a dripping blood-soaked towel on the ground.

"A towel!! Get me another towel! NOW!" he yelled.

The distressed tone of his voice made Namjoon and Yoongi reacted immediately, but the older one was faster. "I will go" he said before removing himself from behind Jimin.

"Joon calm him down! He's bleeding out if he doesn't stop moving his leg!" Seokjin yelled

The youngest rapper nodded nervously after seeing the sight in front of him. He had never seen Seokjin and Hoseok this scared, and seeing them covered with Jungkook's blood was probably even more frightening. There was so much blood, and it was a miracle that Jungkook was still awake despite of that.

"Jungkook stop moving!" he said in the maknae's ears and this time he couldn't be gentle anymore. No 'please' or 'Kookie', not when the boy was hurting himself and bleeding out in the process. But once again it seemed like words won't be enough, since Jungkook was too out of it to understand what was going on.

"Namjoon!" Seokjin yelled again, making the youngest rapper wince. "I'm trying but he won't listen!" Namjoon yelled back desperately.

"Then try harder!!"

"Agh!" Hoseok yelped when he got kicked in the ribs and in response, the dancer grabbed both of Jungkook's feet and sat on them in an attempt to restrain him. But by doing so, it made the injured boy even more distressed and tried to move his hips instead.

"Stop stop" Jungkook moaned a little louder and this time the rest of the members could hear him as well. "Hurts"

"I know and I'm so sorry but hyung is helping you. It will hurt less if you stop moving" Namjoon said in the boy's ear, but the maknae didn't believe him "No! No stop -please-" and at the last word he desperately made an attempt to kick again, but he was stopped when Hoseok shifted so he could lean more weight on the boy's legs.

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