Chapter 15

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It was a tight squeeze, but the 5 remaining members and the paramedic managed to get in the helicopter together when it came back for the third time. After his checkup by the paramedic, Jimin was declared to be fit enough to be transported seated instead of lying down on a hardboard so there were just enough space for the boys get in together.

"I think it was that house" Hoseok said to Namjoon while they were flying over the small village. They looked down, but the helicopter was flying so fast that they were already on the other side of the town before the younger rapper could understand which house Hoseok had pointed at. When the boys had been waiting for the helicopter to return, Namjoon had explained to the paramedic where they had found the radio and that one of them had found a dead woman in a house nearby. Bjorn had tried to question which house it was, but it was hard for Hoseok to clearly describe it to the man since everything was covered in snow and he had lost some kind of orientation when he had fallen. But while flying over the town in a helicopter seemed to help with his memory, and their sunshine member did remember some parts from his adventure.

"5 more minutes" the pilot announced and held his hand up to show 5 fingers as well. The boys nodded and Namjoon looked worriedly at Jimin who was sitting across from him. The only remaining maknae was looking a bit green and overwhelmed by the noises of the helicopter. 5 minutes wasn't long, but he was sure that Jimin was thinking differently about that. 5 minutes was very long when your stomach was turning upside down and the world was spinning around you. The paramedic, who was seated next to Jimin, must have noticed as well and grabbed a paper bag from a storage cabin in the helicopter. He also grabbed another one for Hoseok who was sitting on the other side of Bjorn, because he knew that morphine had some side effects like being nauseous and flying in a helicopter would only increase that.

But thankfully the paper bags remained empty and the helicopter safely landed exactly 5 minutes later on the roof on the hospital. And as soon as the door opened, they were greeted by medical staff that each grabbed a member and guided them insides. Yoongi and Seokjin were the last ones to leave the helicopter since they were sitting in front of the helicopter next to pilot.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" one of the nurses asked them when they were inside. The oldest two shook their heads and before they knew it, they were being escorted to a waiting room somewhere in the hospital.

"Where did they take Hoseok and Jimin?" Yoongi asked when he noticed that Namjoon was the only one in the room.

"To the ER. They told me to wait here since the ER is really crowded at the moment"

"But we can't leave them alone! Especially Jimin, he barely speaks English!" Seokjin protested

"I know hyung. I tried, but they still said no. They said it's hospital policy and they don't want to make any exceptions because some other patients could complain about it and demand to have visitors as well"

"And what about Tae and Kook then?"

"I don't know. I barely had time to ask about Jimin and Hoseok before they left again. I'm sure they will come back to us when they have more information"


It had been 3 hours.

3 hours of waiting patiently for a nurse or doctor to come to the waiting room and give them an update on any of the injured members, but still nothing. Yoongi was the most impatient one from the beginning since he couldn't sit still and he kept walking around the small room without a break. Seokjin was nervous as well but at least he was able to remain seated on the couch, but his hands never stopped fidgeting with a paper cup that had been filled with water and his right foot was tapping in a fast rate while doing so. And lastly was Namjoon who looked rather calm and collective, apart from checking his mobile phone every minute to check if he finally got some reception and his nails were shorter since he had been biting them constantly.

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