Chapter 11

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Taehyung felt like he was floating, or maybe sinking at the same time. His mind was fuzzy and clouded as it was overwhelmed by the immense pain coming from his leg. His leg had been hurting since the first moment the wooden stick had pierced his thigh, but something must have happened because the pain was unbearable right now. Maybe it had shifted when he had moved, but Taehyung couldn't think anymore.

All he could do was cry, cry in pain and let moans and screams leave his mouth. He didn't know if he was talking, he just felt his mouth open en close and sometimes he felt himself choke on a sob. There was someone talking to him, or that's what he assumed because his ears were ringing and the voice sounded like it was talking underwater. He knew that it was one of his hyungs, but he couldn't focus on the voice to determine which one it was. He could also feel hands touching him and stroking his face, but it did nothing to sooth the pain. A kind of pain that was hard to describe, especially when his head wasn't really cooperating anymore.

And then suddenly he felt something pressed against his lips and warm water entering his mouth. Taehyung thanked his own body for having reflexes so he didn't choke on it, and as more water was coming in his mouth, he felt himself coming to the surface again. Not only did he realize how dry and hoarse his throat was, but the warmth also distracted him somewhat from the pain. So he greedily started to suck from the piece of plastic in his mouth and allowed more water to pass his mouth and aching throat.

In the meanwhile he could hear the voices around him more clearly. Behind him was Seokjin and Yoongi was in front of him, and he could tell that Namjoon had said something as well but he couldn't really figure out where their leader was. But it did comfort him that he was still surrounded by his hyungs, and it didn't matter what they were saying. Hearing the sounds of their voices was enough.

But then the water stopped and the plastic thing between his lips was removed. Taehyung tried to moan and tell that he wanted it back, but his mind and mouth wouldn't cooperate. All he could do was lie still and trying to figure out where his water went. And since the warmth had left, the pain started to return at full force, making it harder and harder to think straight anymore.

In the distance he heard voices starting to yell, and Taehyung began to wonder if his hyungs were also trying to figure out where the water went. But then the pain become even worse and soon he felt himself floating and sinking at the same time again.


"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!!" Seokjin yelled as soon as Hoseok stepped one foot inside the hallway. The sunshine member was covered in snow, the parts of his skin that were visible were pale and his whole body was shaking badly.



"Guys please, lower your voices-" Namjoon said as he moved himself in between Hoseok and the two shouting members. Seokjin's and Yoongi's demeanor had shifted 180 degrees when they heard that Hoseok had returned, and it seemed like all build up emotions and nerves were exploding at once.

"DO YOU HAVE DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING? ARE THREE MEMBERS DYING IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES NOT ENOUGH?!" the leader winced hearing Yoongi's words and he noticed Hoseok wince as well.

"DID YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HOW WE WOULD FEEL? YOU SCARED US TO DEATH" and once again at the word 'death' Hoseok flinched again, making Namjoon to step in before more hurtful words were said.

"EVERYONE STOP TALKING" the youngest rapper yelled. Thankfully his low and loud voice overpowered the other two, so the room went silent within a heartbeat. Namjoon waited a few more seconds to see if the two oldest members remained silent, before he turned out to face Hoseok.

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