Chapter 2

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It was exactly 9:37am when the members woke up startled when loud noises were heard and soon the ground and walls were shaking for a short period of time as well.

"What's happening?" Yoongi asked as he sat upright in his bed while looking at the older boy sitting next to him. Seokjin shook his head, but he kept silent as he was listening closely to the noises. It only lasted a few seconds and then silence took over.

"Maybe an earthquake?" the oldest responded eventually

"In Norway?" Yoongi asked in disbelief but the rapper failed to come up with a different explanation at the same time.

"We should check on the others, maybe they know what happened" Seokjin said and together with his oldest donsaeng they went to the hallway where they were met by an equally confused Hoseok and Namjoon.

"What was that?" the sunshine member asked, but the oldest members shook their heads

"We don't know either. Let's check the house though" Seokjin proposed.

The four walked towards the living room, but the place still looked perfect and exactly how they had left it last night. But something had changed, and they quickly found out when they noticed how white the windows were.

"Is that snow?" Yoongi gasped. Namjoon moved towards the kitchen and opened one of the windows. He immediately knew he made a mistake because when he barely opened it, snow was already falling in large numbers onto the kitchen counter.

"Shit, it won't close" the leader grunted while he was pushing his weight against the window when he tried to close it again. But the weight and the amount of snow was too much for him and soon he noticed two persons next to him who joined him. Hoseok was the only one who wasn't leaning against the window, and he moved around the members so he could sneak in his hand in between the opening to remove big chunks of snow from the frame. Slowly they made progress and after a few minutes they could finally close the window.

"It is snow indeed" Yoongi responded sarcastically at his own question he asked earlier, but the others could only nodded worriedly. They were snowed in, and not just a few inches but it looked like the snowbank was at least 2 meters tall.

"Argh my hands are freezing" Hoseok said and moved towards the sink to warm the pale and freezing limbs up. But when after 30 seconds the water was still not warming up, he looked concerned at the other hyungs. "The water is still really cold"

"Maybe something is wrong with the boiler?" Seokjin asked but when Namjoon tried to turn on the electric kettle he noticed it wasn't working. Yoongi pushed the light switch, only to find out it wasn't working as well. "The power is out" the leader told to no one in particular.

"We need to find the fuse box"

"Wait, where are the maknaes? I will eat my shoes if they are still sleeping after hearing those noises!" the older member said. The four boys looked at the hallway on the left side of the living room and then to the hallway that was on the right side, but still no sign of the younger ones. Their absence made them realize how quiet the house was, too quiet. Something was definitely wrong and it made the members feel on edge. Without communicating, they were thinking the same and a second later everyone started to move again.

"I will check on Jimin" Hoseok proposed first and moved towards the said room without waiting for a response. The rest went to the master bedroom, but when they got closer to the door they noticed how the air was getting colder, like freezing cold.

"Did they sleep with the windows open or something?" Yoongi asked while he rubbed his arms through his pajama. Seokjin noticed it as well and it made him move faster towards the door and wasted no time to open it.

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