Chapter 7

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Hoseok knew he fucked up.

He had been walking around for 15 maybe 20 minutes? But he had no idea where he was going or what his plan was. The only thing he had decided was to go outside and find help, before he had made a plan where to find help or what he needed to find help. He should have thought about that before climbing through the window.

But he was proud for thinking about dressing in something warm, but to be honest, digging around walls of snow made his clothes wet and cold and it didn't seem to matter if he was wearing 1 or 5 sweaters. It was too cold. His hands were numb, he couldn't move his toes anymore and he wasn't sure if his nose was even attached to his face anymore.

"Come on Hobi, just think about something warm. It's warm, the sun in shining" he muttered to himself and continued to 'walk' through the snow.

It was not only very cold, but making a path through the enormous amount of snow was exhausting as well. With every step he took, his feet sank deeper, making it even harder to take another step. And his arms were starting to burn from pushing snow to the side so he wouldn't be buried underneath it. But thankfully, Hoseok was fit, like sixpack-abs fit. So he could continue for a little longer, especially when the sight of three bleeding maknaes was tattooed on his mind.

The sunshine member was lost in his mind as he fought along without taking a single break, until he could finally see something different on the horizon. A chimney? Hoseok had to blink a few times since it was hard to see because the structure was also covered with a thick layer of snow, but when he came near he was 99% certain that it was indeed a chimney. And a chimney meant that there was a house as well, and maybe help!

So Hoseok picked up the pace with some new found energy and walked without looking back. Or looking at all as he suddenly felt himself falling down and in a desperate attempt to save himself, a white hot pain came from his right wrist as caught his weight completely with the limb.

"Arrghhh" he screamed and clutched his right arm tight to his chest. He looked around him and noticed that he had fallen from a small shed or something like that. He didn't know what shocked him more, the fact that he completely missed a whole shed, or walking on a shed in the first place. But how could he have known? Everything was white and unrecognizable, and then he heard Seokjin's voice in his mind, telling him it was not safe outside and that he didn't want anyone else to get hurt. Well, too late for that...

Hoseok moaned painfully when another wave of pain came from his wrist, but the worst of the pain had passed and he finally gathered some courage to look at his arm. And that's when he knew he fucked up again. His usual slender pale wrist was now swollen, turning more purple and red with every second that passed and he could tell it was obviously broken when he noticed the slight bend in the limb.

"You stupid-" the boy growled, but he had to stop as he choked back another scream. It hurt so bad, even the slightest movement caused black spots to enter his eyesight and make him dizzy. But from where he was sitting on the ground, he could feel the cold snow going through his pants and he knew he had to move. Not only to find help for the others, but also because he had to bring himself back to safety again.

So Hoseok made sure not to bite his own tongue when he grabbed his scarf and wrapped it around his injured wrist. He then slowly but very carefully removed his arm from the sleeve and made sure to cradle the limb against his chest before closing his jacket again. It sounded easy, but it took him minutes to do so, because it was already hard to do it with one hand, but also because his fingers had no feeling anymore and could barely move them.

"Suck it up Hoba, they need you" he encouraged himself before he took a deep breath and grabbed the nearest tree branch to hall himself on his feet again. The boy swayed for a second, but then he felt a new kind of determination he had never felt before and continued his mission to find the place where he had last seen the chimney. He was close and he knew he could make it. He just had to.



Seokjin and Yoongi paled as much as the three injured maknaes as they heard Namjoon's voice echo through the house.

"He WHAT?!!" the rapper yelled as he stood up. leaving Taehyung alone while doing so.

"Hyung what's going on? What is Namjoon talking about?" the second youngest asked as he tried to turn around. But Yoongi was already gone and Seokjin was lost to the world. The oldest looked angry, but mostly scared and very concerned, and like Yoongi he had completely forgotten about the maknae he was taking care of.

"Hyung?" Jimin asked as well, his voice sounded clouded and weak and Taehyung doubted if he was even aware what was going on. Not that Taehyung knew what was going on either, since he only heard Namjoon yell that Hoseok had left? Left where?

"HOW THE HELL?! I shouldn't have left him alone! I knew from the look on his face he wanted to go outside. I FUCKING KNEW IT" they heard Yoongi yell in the distance and then the sound of a door being slammed shut before the two rappers returned to the living room.

"TAEHYUNG TURN BACK AROUND" the said boy swallowed nervously when Yoongi decided to yell at him as well and moved back to lay on his lift side again. He hated it, he hated it how he could only face the wall and not see any of his members. Maybe the others hadn't noticed, but he was scared as well. He had seen how Jimin had entered their room this morning and then a few moments later loud noises were heard before the ceiling visibly cracked and a large piece fell down. And within a second his body had moved on top of Jungkook before his mind could catch up. But then their world went white and black at the same time when an unimaginable pain shot through his thigh. But worse, seeing his only donsaeng suffer underneath him and not hearing from Jimin until he was found. Ever since he had woken up, he could hear the worry and fear in the older one's voices and Taehyung really needed to see for himself. He needed to see that Jimin and Jungkook were alive and going to be fine, but every time he tried to look at them he was being pushed back by Yoongi or someone else.

"Namjoon what- What did you see?" Seokjin stuttered as he was lost for words. Taehyung couldn't see the youngest rapper but he could tell how nervous he was. The sound of shuffling feet and the deep shaky breaths were too obvious.

"There was snow underneath one of the windows and there're footsteps outside. Hyung, he's gone"

"Why didn't he just listen for once" the oldest member growled, but Jimin must have said or done something because Seokjin suddenly sounded a lot softer. "Shush you're okay. Take a deep breath through your nose Jimin"

Taehyung had to use every bit of self control to not turn around and look at his soulmate, but even when he only thought about it, the leg reminded him why Yoongi had told him to stay still. He had felt pain many times in his life, having an impressive list of injuries when he was a child and he added some on it when he joined their group. Dance practices were hard, going from concert to concert without taking a break was hard, but it was nothing compared to this. The feeling of something stuck in your leg, tugging at his muscle with every breath he took. And his jaw was starting to cramp from clenching his teeth to keep himself from screaming every time.

But then he heard the familiar sound of someone vomiting behind him, and everything became too much for Taehyung again. A sob left his mouth as he broke down for a second time that day, but he barely registered the hands that tried to calm him down. His mind was too clouded with pain, worry, frustration and fear that he couldn't hear or see anything anymore. And when the stick moved again, he couldn't stop himself from screaming and he welcomed the comforting feeling of darkness surrounding him with open arms.

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