Chapter 14

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There wasn't much the paramedic could do after checking on Taehyung's wounds. His three patients were injured, but they needed help he couldn't provide in a villa without any medical equipment other than the stuff he had grabbed from the medical bag before the helicopter took off for the first time. They would need at least two more rides before everyone was safe in the place where the boys needed to be: the hospital.

One of the uninjured ones had offered him some water they had warmed up over the fireplace, but he kindly declined the offer and told them to drink it themselves. He could tell that everyone was shaken by the whole situation and he completely understood why. He and Thomas were shocked too when they received the call that they were needed in a rented place where multiple persons were injured, including someone who had a wooden stick through his leg. As a paramedic he had seen many awful things in his life, especially in the area where he was working since they were surrounded by nature that mostly consist of rocks and mountains, but some things never get easier. Seeing a chopped off limb or in this case a stick going literally through someone, is not a sight he could get used to. And it was always harder when it involved young people.

Bjorn sighed. He looked around and observed the six boys sitting or lying on the couch in front of him. He knew that the injured ones were 23 and 25 years old, but without this information he would have guessed that they were much younger. The others looked slightly older and maybe that's why they were looking so shaken en worried over the injured boys. He had a little brother himself and he could clearly remember how scared he had been when his brother got in a car accident. And his brother didn't even get injured. The only thing that was broken, was his car. So the paramedic could easily understand how these boys must be feeling, seeing their younger brothers injured like this. At least he thought they were brothers since their bond looked like it.

"Are they your brothers?" Bjorn asked Yoongi, who was sitting closest to him. The boy jumped a little by the sudden question, but he quickly recovered and shook his head "No.... friends"

"Ah my mistake. You take care of them like they're. You must be friends for a long time then"

Yoongi wasn't the worst in English and he was a little bit proud of himself for answering the first question, but this was too difficult. So he turned his head and silently begged for Namjoon to help him. The leader would have chuckled and encouraged the older member to try and answer for himself, but not right now.

"We live together in Korea. You're not the first one who asked that question, and to be honest, they feel like brothers to me"

"I'm sorry that this happened to you. When the helicopter gets back, we will first take the one with the wooden stick to the hospital and afterwards we get the rest of you out of here as well."

"Thank you for your help" Namjoon said and bowed to the paramedic, the rest of the hyung line joining him soon after. Bjorn waved it off and told them that he was just doing his job before he stood up and checked on Taehyung again.

"Namjoon" Hoseok whispered hesitant when the paramedic was occupied. The other 94-liner hummed and turned his head to him "What is it Hobi? Are you in pain? Do you need more painkillers?"

"No I'm fine, for real. B-but please tell him a-about her"

"The woman in the house?" Namjoon asked and when Hoseok nodded, he took a deep breath and locked eyes with Yoongi and Seokjin who had been looking at their sunshine member as well.

"Uhh... I'm sorry to bother you..." for once, their leader was struggling to find the right words. How was he going to tell the paramedic that Hoseok had found a dead person?

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