Chapter 3

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"This might hurt"

And well, that was probably the biggest understatement of the year when Namjoon started to 'saw' with the knife. Jungkook immediately screamed when the knife made the stick move even more and Taehyung couldn't stop moving as well because of the pain.

"S-top STOP ple-ase please" The youngest begged

Namjoon instantly stilled in his hands and dropped the knife on the mattress in horror. "I'm so sorry, sorry sorry". He started to apologize over and over again while rubbing both boy's arms in a desperate attempt to comfort them. But the pain was too overwhelming for the maknaes who were breathing hard but shallow.

"It barely left a scratch" Hoseok whispered to the other 94-liner when he observed the piece of wood closely. Namjoon winced and looked at Taehyung and Jungkook again.

The older one of the two was visibly losing all his strength in his body since he was still bleeding actively from the wounds on either side of thigh. And even though his hyung carried most of his weight, he continued to lift himself on his arms. But the cold chills that wrecked his body were making it harder to so, and the colour of his skin told them enough that they needed to get the boy out of here.

Jungkook was sprawled underneath Taehyung, lying almost like a starfish in bed. His arms were lying limply next to him, but the fingers were twitching fiercely against the mattress every time he moaned in pain. Like Taehyung, he was cold but thankfully not hypotherm yet since the boy above him had spared him from the snow. But despite that, he still looked very pale, and it was only a matter of time before the maknae would pass out from the pain.

Namjoon looked at the knife again that was lying on the bed next to him. He really didn't want to hurt the youngest two more than needed, but keeping them in the cold any longer would definitely hurt the boys more. They had to try again and when he looked at his hyungs around him, he knew they were thinking the same.

"Can you try and hold it as still as possible? We need to try again" the leader said and Hoseok nodded while wrapping his hands around the part of the stick above Taehyung's leg. There wasn't enough space to hold it where Namjoon was cutting, but hopefully holding it like this was enough.

The youngest rapper took a deep breath as he placed the knife against the wood. But then Jungkook finally realized what was going to happen and started to squirm with his arms.

"NO n-no please don't! Not-t again" the boy cried even harder and made an attempt to get the knife from Namjoon but it was out of his reach. Seokjin and Hoseok each grabbed an arm, but instead of providing comfort, it only seemed to upset the maknae even more.

"NO no don't wnn this hyng -urtss" the hyung line looked concerned at their youngest who was losing the battle of staying conscious as he continued to fight against them. It affected all of them but especially Taehyung who was literally attached to Jungkook.

"K-kook, h-hy-ung n-need-s t-to d-do thiss" the second youngest tried but Jungkook kept shaking his head and mumble 'no' over and over again. The fact that the boy didn't listen to his youngest hyung, made them even more worried, because they knew that he won't listen to them either. So the four of them shared some knowing looks and once again, Namjoon placed the knife next to the wooden stick and looked at the rest of the hyung line before he started to saw again.

Jungkook's scream was the worst they had ever heard, making everyone in the room shiver even harder than they already did. But this time Namjoon didn't stop and continued to move the knife hard and fast against the wooden object in an attempt to break it.

'Please pass out, pass out Kookie' Namjoon thought in the meantime, but the youngest seemed to be more stubborn than expected and stayed awake while he continued to scream. And soon Taehyung joined the maknae's side and started to beg for the hyungs to stop.

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