Chapter 4

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Jimin wasn't heavy. Well, at least when his clothes weren't drenched with cold melted snow and if he was conscious to hold some of his own weight. But the boy was neither of those things, so Yoongi was struggling to drag the younger member across the hallway.

"Wait let me help" the rapper heard from behind him and a second later Hoseok appeared on his left side. The dancer was grabbing Jimin's arm and Yoongi rearranged his hold so he could carry the right side. Now that the heavy weight was divided between the two of them, they arrived at the living room a lot sooner. The perfectly decorated couch was almost not recognizable anymore, because all cushions were thrown on the ground, but even worse: the beige color was painted with red bloody spots were Jungkook and Taehyung were lying.

The older maknae was lying on the right side of the U-shaped couch where no backrest was, so the leg with the wooden stick could lie comfortably without bumping into something. The two ends of the wounds were wrapped with towels, but despite their efforts, the fabric of the couch underneath the leg were already covered with large red spots. The boy himself was pale and still unconscious while he kept shivering hard so Namjoon was trying his best to cover him with as many blankets he could find.

On the middle part of the couch was Jungkook, who like Taehyung was unconscious as well. Seokjin had covered the boy with blankets apart from the injured leg as he was still busy trying to stop the bleeding. On the floor next to the couch was a pile of red soaked towels, and the oldest member added another towel to it before grabbing a fresh new one to press against the wound.

"Let's get him on this side" Hoseok said while guiding Jimin towards the left part of the couch. The two rappers made quick work to lie their donsaeng down, and as soon as the boy was safe and sound Hoseok stood up again and mentioned he was going to grab his phone.

"Yoongi, what happened?!" Seokjin asked anxiously when he saw the state of the oldest maknae. The singer had left with Jungkook before they had found Jimin, so seeing the boy like this must be a shock.

"He has a head wound" the oldest rapper said and moved closer to Jimin's head to observe the wound. At the border of his hair and forehead was a 3 cm cut that was barely bleeding anymore, but Yoongi wasn't really concerned about that. The fact that the boy was unconscious was worrying him more, but also that he was too still. Taehyung and Jungkook were both shivering hard because of hypothermia, and even most of the hyung line were having cold chills. But the member who had been exposed the longest in the snow wasn't at all.

"Why isn't he shivering?" Yoongi asked out loud to no one in particular

"It's a sign of severe hypothermia" Namjoon answered when he appeared next to him, making the older rapper to look at him questionable. "Or at least, I think it is. I once saw a medical TV series and they talked about hypothermia. It starts with shivering but when it gets worse, it stops" he continued

"We need to warm him up" Yoongi said anxiously after hearing the leader's words and with shaky hands he was fumbling with a folded blanket.

"Let's get him out of these wet clothes first" the younger one proposed. Yoongi had the urge the punch himself in the face for not thinking about it before. He was grateful for Namjoon to keep calm and cool headed, because the older member noticed that he wasn't that at all. Usually he was one of the most calm and grounded member of the group, but seeing the maknae line like this had made him a nervous mess.

Together with Namjoon they removed Jimin's wet pajamas and when Hoseok came back with his phone, only to announce that he didn't have any reception, they send him back towards their bedrooms to get some dry clothes.

"Hyung, I grabbed some of your sweaters as well for Jimin. I hope you don't mind " the sunshine member asked out of breath when he came running back. "Tae and Kook will probably don't fit ours, so I brought Seokjin's and Namjoon's cloths for them" Yoongi almost laughed at the innocence of the younger rapper. How could he ever say no to borrowing cloths for his donsaengs, especially when they were seriously injured like this. So he quickly reassured Hoseok that he did a good job and took some cloths from his hands. He was impressed how the dancer had thought about everything and even brought a few pairs of thick socks and some underwear.

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