Colonial Empires

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Colonial Empires. What the shit am I gonna talk about here? Well, about the Personifications. They serve their Royal Family or their Government, that's that (saying that because constitutional monarchies can also be Colonial Empires, like the BE). What of the Personifications, then? They're the same as the current day nations.

Who is BE now? Well that's UK. Dutch Empire is currenly the Netherlands, the Belgian Empire is still Belgium, and so on. Ottoman is still Turkiye.

Another example is Spain, I'm saying that because in the Interwar Period and the one before the Bourbon Restoration, the one that became the Personification of Spain was his son. But after Francisco Franco took power, the Empire became the Personification of Spain once more, with his son uh... discarded somewhere.

But anyways, one more thing. What of the Japanese Empire and Japan? Are they the same?... Yes, yes they are. Despite the whole Atom Bomb thing, Japan survived with a few mental illnesses and refuses to admit that he is the Empire he used to be. The two Koreas and the two Chinas insists that the current Japan = Japanese Empire, but not much believes the four due to how convincing Japan made it.

All Colonial Empires acts differently today than what they were before, they need to keep that image that they aren't that bad to people so that they'll trust them. After all, they still are narcissistic, whatever they want to say nor deny.

Also, they're stronger than the average country you encounter.

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