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Representations may have a set gender, but they can actually just genderbend, because there's not just a man or a woman in one historical entity, yes? Not many people know of this information, which is why you don't see Personifications genderbend, because they themselves don't even know they can do it.

A Personification can indeed be born as intersex, though I would rather not elaborate on who exactly would be intersex. For sure, it's not just one person, rather a certain group of Reprents. They don't have genitals, and so p l e a s e they don't understand the concept of sex. But they can indeed look masculine, feminine, or maybe even androgynous.

Genderbending can be split into two, willing and forced. For the first one, it's something a Personif must learn first. An example is a Personif which represents land (or all of them, to be honest, but it's not that they know). For the second one, it involves death, demons, and a certain fictional metal.

Not a recommended way to genderbend, at all.

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