Chapter 7

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When I woke up Mason was still next to me.

"Morning beautiful" he smiles once I make eye contact with him

"Hi" I blush

"Breakfast is almost done if you want to go down stairs"

"Alright, I'll get dressed then be right down"

"Ok" he says before he kisses my head and walks our of the room. I sit up and look around at the red and black walls of the room...i get up and open the drawers of the cabinet. There are clothes my size in there. Maybe his mom picked some out for me. I pull on a black cami and and red belly shirt. I choose a pair of black leggings and lace up a pair of black high top converse.

"Okay" I say as I look up to the mirror, thank god my eyes don't have bags but my blond hair needs some serious work. 2 minuets later it's pulled into a neat bun. I grasp the door nob and twist it open. I walk down the hall way and the nice stairs...god North Side houses are amazing...

When I reach the bottom Mason and Oggie are sitting at the counter with Mason's mom eating.

"Morning" I announce myself as I reach the counter, I pull a stool out from between the 2...Oggie always sits on my left.

"Morning" Lily smiles "what do you want for breakfast" I look about the counter, there are fruits, chocolate chips, pancake mix and more...

"Um...could I have a strawberry chocolate pancake" I ask

"Okie dockie" her voice really is perky

"How'd you sleep" I ask Oggie

"Fine" she says looking away from me, I can see guilt in her eyes.

"Hay, we apologized about what happened yesterday. it's in the past" I say

"K" she whispers, Lily hands me a pancake

"How about we turn on the news" Mason says trying to break the awkward

"They luckily rescued all the survivors..." the anchorwoman finished "now over to Josh Cert broadcasting live from the county jail"

"Hello, and thank you Ashly. I'm here from the county jail with news that the man who killed a couple and almost killed their daughter 4 years ago, escaped late last night"

"How awful" Lily interrupted

"Chris Newman is the name of the escapee...police where trying to locate the young girl but she's been missing since the man was put in jail...teenage Brandy Lane could be in danger so please contact police" once the name Brandy was released 3 sets of eyes landed right on me...

"Brandy" Mason says

"Oh my dearie...I've got to call the police, I had no idea..." Lily panics

"No...don't call them, no" I feel hot tears streaming down my checks

"Phonix..." Oggie steps forward and extends a hand to me

"Don't touch me...just don't touch me" I wrap my arms around myself as I creep away slowly

"Babe...come back" Mason whispers to me from across the room

"I...they...they promised me...he'd be gone" I go into a panic

"It's okay we'll keep you safe" Oggie promises

"I'm...he's...they'll try to find me" I feel my eyes grow wider

"If you stay here we will keep you safe sweetie" Lily says

"I...I need some...some air" I turn and open the door. I take off in a dead sprint to the best place I know...the park and ride.

"Phonix" I hear Oggie from not so far behind me

"Brandy please slow down" Mason begs. I know I'm a hell of a lot faster than them. I take off at my full speed and do a maze routine to loose them.

Finally I make it up to the top of the park and garage. I take a deep breath and let my trembling tears flow down my checks.

"Hay kid you alright" a woman with long curly red hair asks. I didn't even notice her. Is she smoking weed?

"Oh ya ya I'm...I'm fine" I studded on e I snap out of my trance

"Mason do you see her" I hear Oggie is the distance. I jump

"They looking for you"

"Y-y-ya" I sniff

"Come on over here I'll hide you if ya'd like" she starts leading me over toward the corner where she was

"Th-th-thanks" I half heartedly smile

"Sure thing...I'm Desera but you 'an call me Dez" she smiles

"Alright Dez I'm Bra---I mean Phonix"

"Well haya Phonix"

"Maybe she's up here" masons voice grows louder as the stairs start clinking

"Please...pleas don't let them find me"

"Over here" Dez gabs my hand and pulls me into the elevator 'room' "shhhhh" she peaks around the corner "I'll stall 'em and send 'em off you trail"

"Have you seen a blond girl about yay heigh" Mason asks Dez...

"Why that chick in trouble"

"Possibly" he admits

'Damn it' I think

"I think I saw 'er runnen down south"

"Thank you so much"

"Sure thing" Dez starts walking toward me as Mason runs away "why they looking for you kid"

"I'm...I'm Brandy Lane, the police think I'm in trouble because that dude who killed my parents escaped jail and I've been missing for a while so my best friend and boyfriend are trying to take me back with them so they can keep me safe" even to me that sounded stupid

"Alright kid...well if you want I could lead you toward a nice spot to calm down" she says with worried eyes

"No...I'm fine thanks for your help Dez"

"Sure thing kid, here, if ya need anything else give me a call" she takes my hand and scribble a phone number down with a sharpie

"Thanks" I take off again...the opposite way Mason went

"Be carful Phonix" Dez yells after me

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