Chapter six

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"William!  We're leaving in ten minutes!"  Joyce Byers shouted to her son. 

William sat in the bathroom, a nervous wreck.  His hands cling to the sides of the sink as he stares at himself in the mirror.  He wasn't ready for this.  As much as he would never admit it to anyone, he was nervous to go to a new school.  So much has changed in the past month and William didn't know how to deal with all of it.

He took a deep breath and released his grip on the sink.

He walks out of the bathroom and to the living room where his mother was waiting.  She smiled to him as he got his sneakers on.

"We've gotta get you a new backpack."  She whispers, mostly to herself but William heard it anyway.

"Well, do you want to leave now?"  She asks.  William nodded.  He wanted to get there before a lot of kids that way he could find his classes.

The two Byers got into the car and drove to the small middle school.  There were already some students and staff there, which made William nervous. 

"Alright."  Joyce said while parking the car.  "You have about twenty-five minutes to get your schedule from the office, and then find your homeroom.  It's a small school so it shouldn't be to difficult.  If anyone gives you any trouble tell me, okay?  And I'll pick you up right here after school is over, don't walk home."  She looks at her son worriedly and he nods with a fake smile.

"Have a good day William."  She gives her son a hug before he gets out of the car with his beaten up backpack.  Joyce watch's him sadly as he made his way to the school building.  She sighs and pulls out of the parking lot, trying her hardest not to cry.

William made it inside the building, trying to ignore the fact that he was having a panic attack.

He entered the room where him and his mom had went into to get him registered.  As nervous as he was, he felt a sense of comfort as the lady recognized him immediately.

"William!  I was just thinking about when you would arrive."  She greets him as she looks through her piles of papers.  William shut the door quietly behind him and walks over to the counter.

"Here it is!"  She smiles with joy as she hands him the paper.  "Your homeroom is room 110, Mr. Clarks class.  He'll be your science teacher for the year.  He already knows you don't like to talk, well all you're teachers know.  Room 110 is right down the hall, the second door on the right.  You're locker number is locker 97."  She says with a smile.  William nodded and mouthed 'thank you.'  Before he left the office again.

He sighed and looked at his schedule again.  He mentally cursed himself and walked down the hallway.

It wasn't as crowded as it would have been in the city, and William was grateful for that. 

He quickly found his locker, it was a few classes down from his homeroom.  He opened his locker, using the number his teacher had given him on the paper with his schedule. 

It opened on the first try and he smiled to himself.  He wasn't sure what he would need for his classes.  So he decided to just keep everything with him for the day.  Tomorrow he would know what he would need for each class and would use his locker.

He shut his locker and walked to his homeroom.

There were only a few kids in the class.  By few, there were only three.  They all looked shy and smart, just like William.  Maybe that's why they were early to school.

"Ah, you must be William."  The teacher smiled and held out his hand.  William nodded with a smile and hesitantly shook his teachers hand, pulling back after a few seconds.

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