Chapter eight

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The week went by fast.

Before Will knew it, it was Friday.

He sat in Earth Science, unable to listen to the teacher.  There was twenty minutes left of class and each second seemed to drag on forever.

Not much has changed since the start of the week.  Will and Mike have grown a little closer, much to Wills surprise, he felt himself safe around the other boy.

The three Byers met with the Lawyer on Wednesday for their statements.  Of course, Will left out a lot of things that his father had done to him.  Thing's he didn't want anyone to know.  Ever.

The Lawyer said that they had a 50/50 chance of winning the court over.  The whole week the three of them had all been on edge, but after the Lawyer had said that Will found it impossible to sleep.

Mikes best friends have grown used to Wills precedence.  Although Lucas was a little distant.  Most of them accepted Will into the group, especially Jane and Mike.  Will tried to stay out of their way though.  He didn't want the friend group splitting up because of him.  Of course, Mike said that was nonsense and made Will eat lunch with them anyway.

Mike passed Will a note as the old teacher continues to talk in the background.  Will opens the note and reads it quickly.

I'm so bored.  I can't wait for tonight! 

Will smiles and grabs his pen, jotting down his thoughts quickly.

Same!  My mom rented ghost busters for us to watch, she also bought some snacks.

Will hands him back the note with a twisted stomach.  He knew he wouldn't eat any of the snacks, but he didn't say that to Mike.  Both boys established that they both love Ghost Busters, so Will asked his mom to rent it for the night.

Oh cool!  My mom dropped me off at school today so I don't have my bike.

Mike hands him back the note.  A few days ago the boys made the plan that Joyce would pick them up from school and bring them back to their house. 

Alright, cool.

Will handed it to Mike with a smile and turned his attention back to the teacher.

"I want you all to read pages twelve through twenty and finish the four questions in your new workbooks."  The teacher says while writing it on the chalkboard.  The class collectively groaned and Will smiled.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of class.

"Finally!"  Mike sighed dramatically once they got into the hallway, "I thought that class would never end!"

Will smiled and the two boys arrived outside.  Will immediately recognized his mothers car and motioned for Mike to follow him.

Will opened the back door of the car and smiled to his mother.

"You must be Mike."  Joyce smiles and shakes his hand after he got into the car.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you."  Mike says with a smile as they pull their hands apart.

"You as well."  Joyce says while turning herself and pulling out of the school parking lot.

The ride to the house was silent.  Will was a nervous wreck.  He had realized that as soon as Mike saw his house he would have loads of questions. 

And he was right.

He saw confusion rest on Mikes face as they pulled into the grass in front of his house.  Will only smiled to him as they got out of the car.

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