Chapter 1, Plans

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3rd pov


Bianca, Lucas, Ajaxx, Enid, Wednesday, Eugene, And Tyler were all at the cafe, talking about what their plans were for the fair.

Bianca and Lucas were going together, so were Edin and Ajaxx, Tyler said he'd be going with other friends, Eugene and Wednesday weren't going with anyone yet, probably not even going in the first place.

They decided to all meet up when the fire works come on, they had 3 hours to spare before hand the Fair was next week on Friday, 6pm to 12am, it was a thursday at 4pm

"So your going right? You both can just go together, we'll meet up later on anyways." Enid asked Wednesday and Eugene, both exchanging a look, Eugene was fine with it.

"I'm not sure im going to the fair next week, i perfer to continue writing my novel." Wednesday answered blankly, having no emotion shown, ever really.

Bianca, Ajaxx, Enid, Tyler, Lucas, Eugene all looked at Wednesday concerned, Really more of a 'why not come? writing that novel is boring' look, which werent wrong

"Oh come on, going to the fair will be far more fun then typing a novel, besides you've been doing it all week! have some fun!" Enid replied to Wednesday, with ethusiam wednesday could never match.

"My interests are far from any of yours, I'll see if I can." Wednesday considering it, obviously going with eugene which she was fine with.

Bianca took a sip of her coffee, checking the time on her phone.

"Oh! forgot to tell you guys, me, Enid, and wednesday are going to the Longings Abandoned house, You guys free to come?" Bianca asked the others that weren't coming,

"Nah, I gotta catch up on homework, failing all my classes already and its the start of the year." Ajaxx answered, its not surprising hes already failing, hes not the smartest person.

"Yeah me to, plus I already made plans with other friends" Lucas said from behind Bianca, If he was ever going somewhere with them, Bianca had to be there. Obviously both in love.

"I can go, Im not doing anything later. i get off my shift at 2, what time are we going?" Tyler asked, he was the one to drive them probably, having to be the only one with a license.

"Ill go, The bees are all doing well right now, and id like to do something else today." Eugene joined in, "We'll go at 10PM, Tyler, you'll drive us right? if not we can just walk, its a 8 mile walk tho." Bianca asked Tyler

"Yeah, sure ill pick you guys up." Tyler agreed.

They all decided to leave 30 minutes later, all going back to nevermore, All saying their byes to Tyler, Lucas went back home though.

( at nevermore (5pm) )

When they got back they all walked down a hall, Eugene had to go check up on his bees when we arrived.

"Do you guys understand what Miss sandevall was talking about with those posineous plants? I wasnt paying attention and she gave me double homework!" Enid asked them, worried out of her mind dreading that we knew so she wont fail even though it was the start of the year.

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