Chap 5, Do You Forgive Me?

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Xavier POV
idk why but i LOVE writing for xaviers pov🤭
chap reminds me of stoked by westone estate a BIT

I was in my private art place, thinking about how to apologize to Ajax and Wednesday, I fucked up with both of the people who most matter to me, how can i fuck up this bad in 1 week?

I was also sketching, Sketching things ive seen in my dreams, mysterious doors, Animals, scenerys, all while being half asleep.

I finally decided to get my ass up and go apologize to Ajax, I didnt want to ruin a valueable relationship, I knew id always fuck up with wednesday but Ajax?

The thought of not being his friend hurt, his whole family knew me, mostly because when parents were supposed to come my shitty dad didnt bother to come see his embarrassment of a son,

he said my drawing was horrible and my dreams of being an artist was ridiculous, he was trying to force me to become a lawyer or some shit, it didnt interest me.

"Xavier!" A familiar female voice called out to me, I couldnt tell if it was Enid or Natalie however. I turned around to see who it was, what they wanted.

It was Enid, but what had she needed to tell me? "Enid? Why are you here?" I havent really brang the group here, maybe Ajax or Wednesday told her.

"I want to fix yours and Wednesdays friendship." Enid offered, i was interested but i felt she was gonna blow it even more, i perferred fucking it up myself, no offense to Enid though.

"Don't bother," I said, I ended it like i was gonna continue my sentence, Enid was looking up at me in sympathy, pity, why did this concern her? I turned to walk away, she let me before she jumped in front of me, Blocking my path.

I rolled my eyes, she still looked like she needed to accomplish me accepting it. i wasnt going to. "Please? I know you both want to be friends again." Enid looked up at me, her vibrant clothes and style hadnt matched jercho at all.

What did she mean by both of us wanting to be friends again? im highly sure wednesday wanted me to fuck off the first time i even saw her. although she doesnt express anything her eyes are the only signal she gives,

"Like i said, Dont bother. Im sure she doesnt care about our 'friendship' and neither could i" I lied, i was in love with her since i layed my eyes on her.

"Oh really? cause last i knew you liked her." Enid told me, i was walking away but her words stopped me. I didnt tell her anything about like wednesday, maybe my sign of liking her was to obvious. or had Ajax told her?

"Its obvious you like her! Just let me try to get you to back in good terms!" Enid said trying to persuade me, why did she care so much?

"Why do you care about me and wednesday so much? And i moved on. Just leave me alone." I told her, i cringed at how i lied about moving on... did i move on? I couldnt think of it anymore than i already was and snapped out of it, i was facing Enid again, she was 6 feet away tho,

She had a grin on her face, she really wouldnt quit would she? my face was blank, visibly tired. "Maybe you did move on, but Wednesday and you care about eachother, be honest. She misses you." I couldnt tell if she was lying or not, Did wednesday miss me? or was she trying to get me and Ajax friends again? It wouldnt matter if me and her arent friends, me and Ajax would be friends either way.

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