Chap 10, Relationship

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Xavier POV
(I'll do someone else pov this chap i swear)
Sorry for not uploading this chap sooner I thought I posted it already


I was in-front of Nevermore, waiting for Enid and Tyler, no one is out here at 6PM, at least I hope not.

I heard the front door to Nevermore open but I payed no attention to if, minding my business until a heard a familiar voice behind me, I got startled.

"Xavier," Enid said as I turned around, she seemed off, nervous or just awkward. She seemed sorry for startling me but said nothing of it.

"Enid hey." I said, trying to act as if nothings wrong, like I didn't  seem like I just killed a woman.

I ran my hands through my hair, making it fluff up a bit. we waited for Tyler now, the silence only seemed to disappear with the noises of wind around us, heavy yet light.

Thank god it wasnt raining, if it was I would have been completely soaked as of now. I heard a car pull up, no one ever came to nevermore at 6 in a car unless it was the sheriff or the head master, I turned around knowing it was Tyler.

The car engine stopped, the door opened and revealed Tyler in a beige sweater, and black stripes, and some normal denim jeans.

he walked towards me and Enid, Awkwardly, although more emotion displayed in his face, i couldnt tell however.

"what do you want?" Tyler asked me, looking directly at me. i was taken aback by the hatred in his voice, by the look on Enids face so was she.

"I just want you guys to know I didnt kill that woman, no matter how it seemed. She was attacked by a werewolf." I stated clearly, trying to make the awkward distance between us go away, hopefully they would believe me.

Enid seemed to believe me but not so sure about it, "She did have big cuts, not even from knifes..." Enid muttered. "And your not a wolf?" Tyler asked, less hatred displayed in his tone,

"No, of course not! You can only have 1 ability, last time someone had 2 was century's ago." I told Tyler, He seemed a bit unsure by my convincing but they know I wouldn't, couldn't , kill someone. Why would I?

"That's true.. Ajax did say you wouldn't kill someone either, he was quite convincing." Enid chimed up, She seemed convinced. Its easy to convince Enid overall but I was just glad she knew I want a serial killer.

Tyler looked down at Enid, still unsure. "What about your dad?" Tyler asked, it took me aback. He did cause it but he wasn't the physical killer.

"He didn't either, he was 10 feet away from me and the body. I saw her get attacked by the wolf and my dad was there with me." I sounded quite defensive of my father, but I wasn't just going to tell them he caused it! They wouldn't trust me, well maybe.

They know I'm nothing like my father, Tylers face expressions were a bit unreadable, he seemed as if he believed me.

"I believe you." Tyler said, smiling and a bit of nervousness spiked in his tone. He would think it over, he would believe me. He should.

"I do to, also can I go back inside? Its literally freezing out here!" Enid agreed but whined. I smiled and so did Tyler, "Yeah, see you Enid!" I waved off, so did Tyler.

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