Chap 8, Rollercoaster

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Xavier Pov again bcuz his is easy and relateable 🥳🫶
ill try to update more this week like everyday bcuz now i have 5 chaps planned out 🙏


It was already six, I was spending time shetching, i wasnt in such a big mood to pain so i decided to do a few sketches in the shed, drawings of ravens, caves, cloudy skies, forests, and a cabin thats lately been in my dreams up on the walls surrounding me, basically decorations.

I enjoyed drawing, i flipped through my sketchbook pages, looking at drawing of people, places, things, etc. the shed was full of color mostly grey, black, and white but even though it was a little eerie it was comforting to me, knowing i didnt fuck up with Wednesday was even better.

I made sketches of a forest, although the forest was really familiar.. Ive seen it multiple times in real life but not anytime soon, It was on the tip of my tongue but i somehow managed not to know where. it was most likely jericho, the trees were similar to jerichos. Not that Jericho has a special type of tree its just rare to find anywhere else.

The prickly leaves, the branches, the leaves on the ground, and the not so flat surface was all to familiar.

I decided to set that thought off. It made me nervous, a bad feeling, and just made me sick to my stomach. I suddenly remembered it was six all over again, it was 6:10, ill be there by 6:50 or something, Tylers house is a bit far.

Ill just get on my bike so i wont take longer. I pushed open the doors of the shed, looking right back at the door to place the lock on it once again, i dont want anyone in my privacy.

I arrived at Nevermore, there wasnt no need to change, i was comfortable and the outfit was fine to me. I unlocked the lock on my bike, it was on a bike rack outside of the front of Nevermore, I got on my bike and looked around at my surroundings as i started peddling towards Tylers house.

I let my thoughts take over, be my entertainment till i arrive. My mind layed on my dad, my family. I was an only child. and i had no mother, only a shitty father who thought my mental problems were just distractions and nothing to worry about.

Ironic coming from a rich douchebag who does nothing but put a mask on, act as if everythings normal. I wonder how he would react to me saying i dont want to go to college, not anymore. I was still thinking about it, i was only a year away from senior.

I was thinking of going to art school, but the way my dad would react? he would disown me! It was sad and crude how little he cared for me, I didnt care about how much he liked me or disliked me anymore. I let it go when i was 8, the time he started telling me if i didnt go to college or take over his company I would be a disappointment, but he told me many atime before i was.

Why did it matter? What difference did it make if i took over the company? He couldnt give less of a shit about me or himself. He got a kid just for his company to 'Be in the right hands'

Sure my life was handed to me on a silver platter but I couldnt even get help like therapy if i killed to. I used to ask my dad if he could pay, he was rich enough to but said therapy was useless, it couldnt do anything.

How could he know shit? the only thing he cares about is his company. I hated thinking about my dad, dont even get me started on my family, my cousins were completely douchebags aswell, up in their asses as if they owned everything. I still had yet to know how i got my powers, my dad was to much of a hypocrite to even mention her name.

Getting Closer // wednesday x xavierWhere stories live. Discover now