Chap 11, Good Friends

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sorry for such long wait for this chap I have been hella busy and had no space to write, Sorry for spelling mistakes and cringy-ness
Ty for the reads and comments, I read all of them although I barely respond 🫶


Xavier POV

In the pouring rain, I held my black umbrella above my head, I was looking around and waiting for Ajax, He hadn't arrived yet however.

I just decided to go sit down at a lonely and empty picnic bench, it was covered by a roof above. I scrolled on my phone for about 20 minutes mindlessly before asking Ajax where he was.

And no to surprise, he hadn't responded. I waited 5 more minutes but was left on delivered. I rubbed it off, maybe his phone ran out of battery, he was probably on his way.. I think.

I look up back at the scenery that was damp due to the rain that kept getting harder and harder. I darted my eyes towards the exit/entrance because I saw a fake figure, someone who wore black clothing.

I realized who it was, the pigtails gave it away. it was Wednesday, why was she here? Enid maybe.

She seemed lost and confused, she kept turning her head around expecting someone or something, since Ajax hadn't arrived I decided to talk to Wednesday, whoever she was expecting hadn't shown up yet, neither has the person I was going to meet up.

I opened my umbrella and stepped onto the pathway that lasted about 30 minutes if you walked all of it, looking at the grass and dirt, it was very muddy and gross. The trees were being pushed by the wind, the only thing that filled the silence was the rain droplets hitting against the cement.

For some reason I decided to wear my white shoes. I should have just worn my Converse instead of Air Forces.

My white shoes weren't perfectly white of course it's just walking in rain wasn't the best way to keep them any cleaner. I stopped worrying about my shoes and kept my mind on approaching Wednesday again.

Nervousness grew in me, I got quite nervous around her a lot, but I already knew why. I was undeniably in love with her, Wednesday Addams. My stomach had butterflies thinking of her, although her attitude isn't much enjoyable she's a honest and reliable friend.

The thought we would only stay friends stung, I knew she hadn't liked me but holy shit admitting it or hearing it hurt a bit. Its just a stupid crush, I'll get over it by the time I graduate. Hopefully.

I finally arrived where Wednesday stood, she was sat at the bench, she appeared to have no umbrella, just wore a hood, when she arrived she hadn't.

I approached her and she looked up at me from her phone, tucking it back into her pocket standing up, "Hey Wednesday! What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to spark a conversation between us.

"Im waiting for someone." She said blankly, I already knew I was annoying her but I continued to speak to her anyways,

"Me as-well. Expect I've been here for 30 minutes, stood me up I suppose?" I chuckled, She kept looking at me, I couldn't tell if it was out of hatred, happiness, sadness, or annoyance.

A look I haven't seen her express in her eyes.
She seemed as if she cared for a moment, her eye brow rose when i mentioned "stood up"

Getting Closer // wednesday x xavierWhere stories live. Discover now