Chap 7, Its fine.

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Xavier POV
sorry abt all the Xavier povs ill make more of the characters povs but writing xaviers is so fucking fun bro istfg


I woke up, I was jittery from the lack of sleep. I looked at the clock, Saturday 11:43 AM I forgot what time i slept at but i didnt really care, this was an okay time to wake up at. I looked up at the window, looking at the grey sky. I had an urge to paint for whatever reason.

Suddenly, memories of last night snaked through my memories, i groaned remembering what i had said to Wednesday, another apology i have to do i guess. Or maybe i could just talk to her again hoping shed forget? I dont know how long her memory span is. Then again.. she is good at remembering it. Were complete opposites but surprisingly i still have feelings for her, the thought of her made my heart flutter. I almost started fan boying before i snapped back into reality.

I have to apologize. Again. I  pulled the covers over my head to drown out the thought of it, i closed my eyes. then quickly opened them again. I do hate apologies, but it wasnt the reason i planned on getting up

It was because i still had the same urge to draw

I looked over at Ajax's bed, a mess, I got up and went to the bathroom, my bathroom was right beside my bed. so was ajax's.

I got up and dug through my drawers, just getting a towel, green baggy cargos, and a marvel shirt that was navy blue.

I got into the bathroom and 15 minutes later i got out, ruffling up my hair with my towel and putting on my converse, I got the keys for the small shed i drew in and took a last glance towards Ajax, I woke him up by all my movement around the room. and probably the water running.

Ajax had his eyes slightly open, "morning." He said, his morning voice was deep, almost intelligible. "morning" I replied, smiling. I opened the door and walked out closing the door behind me, I could tell Ajax was about to say something else since he atarted to get up, but i didnt want to forget about going to the small shed, I forgot very quickly somehow.

My mind got back to last night, remembering most of it, the rest was blank, But also remembering when she hugged me, her body pressed against my own, It made me happy knowing she was comfortable enough to hug me. Atleast at that time.

No one ever really compared to Wednesday in my love life, I was almosg obsessed with her, I kind of was. I even painted her a few times. A little weird i admit. As I walked down the hall, outside and onto the path towards the shed, I noticed not much people were outside like usual. most people were inside, it was probably gonna be a thunder storm or something. They always stay inside when a storm or rain is gonna appear.

But had i hurt Wednesday by being.. well jealous? She didnt seem happy. She never expressed it of course but normally her face remained still, silent, not giving a shit about anything. She seemed.. Jealous? no. why would she? whats there to be jealous about?

When i arrived i thought of the topic more, I picked up a brush, it was with grey/black paint and i drew what i saw in my dreams, rain and thunder, possibly the weather today. The rain droplets were faint in the painting but the thunder was clear, covered by the clouds in the background.

I though of it more. How would i apologize? Im not planning it out, i never do. Although most times its important I didnt have the mood to do so.

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