10. Run Aways

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A small Tw wich includes blood

Anna pov:
I just finished mining and I head back to logster shine. I had gotten really dark so I had to hurry. As I see the familer trees and animals I saw a moving figure heading towards me. I grab my iron sword till I saw Tommy running twords me. "Whats going on?!" He ran twords me and grabbed my hand. "No time to explain lets go."

Tommy had looked more messy but from where I was a little red on the face. Soon I continue to run with him holding holding on to my hand. As we were running we were i realized We were close to the outskirts of L'manberg. I still had no idea what was going or what was happening all I was going was following Tommy.

(A/n Srry if it isn't making any sense my mind Is rusty today.)

"Where are we Going Tommy?" "A friends place in Snowchester." Snowchester huh never heard of it but why was Tommy leaving Logster Shine i could ask later when we would get to this 'friends place'. But my mind was soon interrupt to a shot of an Arrow that me and Tommy had both doged.

(This is not cannon to the Dream smp I only have it for the story to continue)

We looked behind us to see who has shot the arrow and it was Tubbo. "Stop Right There!" Of course we couldn't so we keep running. "Hey I Said Stop!" Tubbo Then Shot another Arrow that had landed in my right shoulder.

Tommy pov:


The arrow in Anna's arm was deep and the arrow was poison, Anna had fell to the ground due to the sudden rush of poison. I got down to the ground to see if i could do anything. I couldn't just take the Arrow out or it will just make Anna's arm bleed more. I looked back to see Tubbo running near us and the poison was running threw Anna's body starting to make her weaker and weaker. "Anna can you get up?!" "I-i don't think so." Damn it! Tubbo was getting closer and closer to us, if he saw me I would be killed and he would question Anna about helping me or should I say following me.

But so something started to light up below me and Anna. We both look to see that a purple and white portal aperred was starting to form. The purple looked the same as nether portraits but the white was unusual.

Slowly the portal got bigger and bigger than the portal was big and had Anna and me under it. Tubbo was just close enough to see who was on the ground. I knew Tubbo was going to be really upset with me out of exial and he doesn't even know about Anna. Tubbo would question her. I couldn't do anything to get out of that situation so Tubbo saw me.

And all he did to me was stare at me not saying anything. I had an expression on my face hoping Anna was still ok as I look at her. "Tom." I heard the soft familiar voice of my best friend talking to me. I looked at him and wanted to say something back but I couldn't.

Soon the portal was like a floor to a to an actual portal swallowing me and Anna. I could her Anna's scream as we fall but there was one thing that happened that I was shock to see. I saw a hand reached down from the top of the portal before we fell and I hear a scream saying "TAKE MY HAND TOMMY!!" And it was Tubbo.
622 words
Sorry for not posting for a while schools got me. Also I'm going to be making a Christmas special. The last part of the Christmas special is important to the story.

 The last part of the Christmas special is important to the story

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The Drawing originaly by me!
Ps. This drawing is Amanda Fagan during her Christmas stream i think?
Have a great Day/Night

A girl with A portal /Dream Smp {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now