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Cherry blossoms bloom every spring, around March to April and they are dependent on the weather. Usually they last for about a week or two...

"Haru, have you taken your medicine?"

Already running late for her first class, her grandma runs after her to the front door where she hurriedly wears her shoes.

"Thanks, grandma." Haru swallowed her medicine with a bit of water that made the medicine leave a tracing feeling on her throat. Her brows pulled down and nose wrinkled, not amazed by the feeling.

"Gosh, you child. What will happen to you if I die? Always forgetting your medications." she got nagged, for the third time this morning. Haru rolled her eyes and sighed before standing up.

"I'm not thinking about that yet. Goodbye, grandma! I'll be going now." then sprinted out of the house.

Just like how the month changes, the Cherry blossom trees are already starting to bloom. Few days later, they will surely bloom and it will become the main content of the social media of her classmates.

Miyake Haru, a junior in high school that only dreams for her reality. With happiness and peace. Being left with her grandmother, she knew no one aside from her. She didn't get the chance to meet both of her parents. When she tried to ask her grandma about them, "they're not coming back" is what she always answers so Haru didn't bother anymore.

But that doesn't make her feel alone and lost because her grandma didn't raise her to feel like that.

Haru ran just to catch the bus. Luckily, even though she's late, the bus is not. She was catching her breath as she found a seat inside the vehicle.

The bus is packed yet she's lucky enough to have seen a vacant chair beside a purple head guy with headphones, busy looking outside the window. Oh dear, he's having his main character moment in the morning. She can't lie, she's judgemental for thinking that.

After paying for the fare, she immediately took her seat. She runs after her breath to calm down cause if not, she will vomit. If she vomits, she'll make a mess. And if she makes a mess, she'll be thrown out of the bus, she'll miss her class. Then, it's the end of her day.

Haru looked at her wrist watch and finally accepted the fact that she will be sent to detention. "Nevermind. One penalty won't hurt that much." All she needs to do now is take her time since she's already late as it is.

She brought out her small notebook and a pencil then started scribbling until she began to draw the person sitting beside her. He is in fact a handsome guy and his hair color suits him well. When her stop was near, she intentionally ripped off the page and left it on the seat. She's doing it to make someone's day good. Specifically, the guy's day.

"Haru-sen~ Why are you late?" Fake crying, Jikie welcomed her to the HE club headquarters. Jikie is her club kohai from 1st year.

Yup. Going straight here is actually a more favorable idea than going straight to our room. At least, I could make up an excuse of overstaying in the club room than saying that I actually overslept.

Instead of answering, she awkwardly smiled and apologized.

"Ah, right. Haru-sen. I forgot to tell you. Yamada-san said that we'll be having a welcoming party for the new recruits."

Yamada is the current HE president. She's cute and always has pigtails which grabs the attention of a bunch of guys. But according to Jikie, Yamada rejects everyone because she's still in love with the late president of the club, the president when Yamada is still a first year.

I don't know how Jikie knew that, but what Jikie says is always true so that's that. She thought.

"Really? When is it?" she asked while placing her bag on the table before sitting down.

SPRING BREEZE || Mitsuya TakashiWhere stories live. Discover now