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Almost a week passed after that failed 'initiation' on his crush, Mitsuya still feels like it happened yesterday. He still feels embarrassed and regretful at the same time. Only if the boss didn't call me, I would have known her name already.

Also, after that day she didn't come back to the shop which made him think that he might have made her feel uncomfortable.

Mitsuya sighed. His phone rings so he picks it up.

[Hi, senpai! I would like to invite you to this year's welcoming party for the 1st years. I was wondering if you can come? The party's tomorrow evening.]

"A welcoming party?" Mitsuya repeated on the phone. It's Yamada, the current president of the HE club, who once was his kohai.

[Yes, senpai. Is it okay? Or are you busy?]

Mitsuya recalled his schedule and he didn't find any conflict if he'll be to attend the said party. Plus, it would be a nice getaway thing to do to forget that embarrassing moment as well as his crush.

Well, it seems like she's not coming back here so might as well start from moving on.

"I'll call you when I can." but he said that instead. Mitsuya ended the call and went back inside the shop.

He prepared an order right away. As he was preparing the pancakes and was about to pour the syrup when he remembered something...

"yeah. They gave me maple syrup. Allergies? No. I didn't taste the syrup so I'm fine." he was stunned at the moment. Did I hear it right? She's allergic to maples?

He took a glance at her and found that she's talking to someone on the phone and pushing away the syrup dispenser. This made him understand that she has allergies to maples.

Mitsuya was slightly frustrated but he cannot blame himself. He does not have any idea that she has allergies towards them. They didn't even know each other to know if she has allergies to maples. If only he knew, then he wouldn't give her syrup, he would give her butter instead.

Mitsuya smiled and shook his head. We're starting the moving on phase now so let's forget about her, okay? "Here's the order for table 4," he passed the plate of pancakes to his co-worker, Hiro.


"A party? What for? Do you like parties, Haru?"

She munched a stock of lettuce before sighing. Parties are the most stressful live event that she could experience every year. As much as possible, she doesn't want to attend any event like that. Anything but parties.

" I don't. That's why I'm having a hard time to reject them, especially Jikie is the one who invited me.'' It's not like I can simply reject Jikie's invitation. That kid is like a sister to me already.

"Well, Jikie is the one who is asking. It should be easier to talk to her about rejecting the event."her grandmother made a point that she couldn't even realize.

That's right. It should be easier to reject her because she will surely understand my reason.

"Actually, Haru-sen, I already paid for your party contribution. That's why your presence is required later."Jikie pouted that left her dumbfounded.

Her anxiety about parties increased even though it's not yet starting and still got a few hours left. Haru, who was consumed by how doomed she is, noticed someone walking past her bumping her shoulder as they walked on the hallway.

"Hey, kid." a monotone soft voice called out. She automatically turned her head.

A guy with purple mullet hair, sleepy eyes and astonishing style, stood in front of them. He took a few steps forward before crossing his arms.

SPRING BREEZE || Mitsuya TakashiWhere stories live. Discover now