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"What? You want to change shifts for the time being?"

Manager-san was quite surprised when Mitsuya asked for a change of shift. It was unusual for him to request that knowing well he's a college student who looks after his two sisters and the only shift that works for him is the closing shift that ends at 10PM.

"Yes. It's just for a day though after that I'll be back doing the closing again." he smiled, hoping for an agreement.

Manager-san sighed in relief. He totally thought that he would change shifts for a week or two, he didn't expect that it was only a day.

"Sure. What day do you want so I can inform the other employees."

"On Thursday, if possible."

Thursday's the only day I can make up to her. At least, I should do something that would level up the situation. Mitsuya once thought on a night, there's not so much progress between him and Haru.

Was it him? Their age gap? Probably. And what he said last night through text, the problem is actually him. By law or not. Damn, why does no one tell me how hard falling in love is? Whatever it is. I should do something. Period.

After he settled on his shift for a day, he proceeded to do his usual task inside the shop. It ended up being busier than usual.

One thing he notices about since knowing Haru, she's not coming back to the shop for a while now. He kept looking forward to seeing her but she's not living up on him. And that's actually sad about his working days these past few days. He can't blame anyone aside from himself.

After his shift while fixing his helmet he saw a familiar running silhouette coming towards him. He stopped and confirmed who it was,


"Oh damn, it's close already..." he heard her mumble while looking at the freshly closed store. She was catching her breath and the disappointment in her eyes is what enlightened him.

Mitsuya took off his helmet and fixed his hair, "You want some waffles?" he asked. It looks like Haru didn't notice him and when he spoke, she was completely surprised.

"What are you doing here?!" his brows furrowed.

"I work here."

"You what?! Work here? Seriously?"

Man. Her reaction hurts my ego. That means, she didn't even know that I was the one who's always serving her.

It took a minute before Haru could process everything. Both completely but at least she processed what is currently happening.

"Oh so you're a working student and you work here?" he nodded on her question, "Wow, that's amazing. Didn't know that."

"Yeah, coz you're not even paying attention to me knowing too well that you're a regular here." he said and got off his bike. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the back door.

"Boy, am I obligated to look and study every face of a worker here?" she sarcastically smiled. Yes. But only to me. He thought but didn't bother to talk.

Mitsuya didn't answer, instead he opened the door using a key whilst holding her wrist.

"So now you're not answering me. Don't tell me you're sulking, ye?"

"Then I won't."

He chuckled and went inside the kitchen while Haru on the other hand sat on her usual seat. But minutes after, seat's not even warmed up, Mitsuya peeked on the door and called her.

"Now what?" she mumbled before standing up to go to his place. When she arrived, she was subtly stunned.

The view was something she's not expecting. Him wearing an apron, sleeves up revealing his veiny arms, and glasses. All because he's cooking.

"Why..."she cleared her throat after it sounded so dry," Why'd you call me here? "she asked.

"So you can watch me doing your favorite." he answered, not looking and focusing on what he is doing.

She walked beside him. "How did you know I was about to order this?" she referred to the waffles and chocolate frappe he's making.

"I told you, I'm the one who's serving it to you."

Him? Why can't I remember him? That's true. She tried remembering the times she went here, but just like what he said earlier, she's a regular that she cannot even remember how many times she went here ever since she discovered their signature chocolate frappe.

"So why are you out at this hour? You have school tomorrow."

"Grandma, let me out since I was awake last night." Mitsuya's brow furrowed and looked at her. Haru kind of freaked out because of how he looks. Like a strict mad professor.

"You've been awake since last night? Why? Don't tell me what we talked about last night through text bugged you?"

"Well... That's one thing but it was actually Grandma. She already had a fever in the morning but it got worse when night came so I ended up bringing her to the hospital." she explained.

After she talked to him last night, her grandma suddenly got a fever. She of course panicked that she didn't have the time to think of an alternative except to bring her to the hospital.

Mitsuya stopped what he was doing, Haru saw how worried he was. "How is she now? How are you?" he put both of his hands on her arms that sent butterflies to her once again.

Every time he did something so unexpected like this one, she couldn't stop herself from freaking out. Maybe it's because he's the first man in her life.

"S-she.. She's fine. I'm fine." She looked the other way but he cupped her face so she looked directly at him.

"You didn't have any sleep at all, didn't you?" he worriedly asked, and she slowly nodded. Geez, he's actually worrying. Finally, someone aside from grandma is worrying about me.

"I... I was scared..." Mitsuya pursed his lips the moment she said that she was on the verge of tears and that left him with no choice but to hug her for comfort.

"shh...don't be I'm here." seconds later, she started silently sobbing.

"They said... Her lung reached its limit. Then her heart... Her heart was clogged.. That it pumps too slow... She's weak..."

Ah shit...

He rubbed her back while she cried on his chest. The shirt's starts to feel drenched. Mitsuya reached for the waffle maker to pull the cord to turn it off and grabbed his handkerchief inside his pocket.

" I was awake for almost 2 days...I haven't eaten anything since last night... She let me out to get some food and she's alone right now..."Haru pulled from the hug. Her head was in turmoil and she didn't know what to do first.

She's scared.

She's tired.

She's hungry.

She's worried sick.

His heart stinged when he saw how red and tired her eyes were. How exhausted she is and how hungry she may be.

"It's alright, okay? Everything's gonna be fine, trust me." he consoled her.

Please don't cry...

Haru nodded before excusing herself. She wanted to get some fresh air at the same time to pull herself together. Crying infront of Mitsuya was unexpected. At some point, within those minutes, she felt safe that she suddenly burst into tears.

Mitsuya on the other hand continued cooking the food he stopped doing earlier. He added some other dish to make sure she'll replenish all that hunger from last night.

"Please... Let things be alright," he prayed.



SPRING BREEZE || Mitsuya TakashiWhere stories live. Discover now