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When he said he's already a husband material, Haru thought that he's lying. But being with him for quite a few minutes now inside the grocery and observing him, he actually stated a fact and she's impressed. No lies.

Hope all guys are like him. Not even my dad could grocery like this. She wanted to laugh when she thought of that but then, Mitsuya might weirded out.

She kept a hold of the grocery list her grandma gave since Mitsuya is leading the way. It's like he knows the things included in the list like the back of his hand. That using the list is totally useless.

He knows his way inside, he knows where to get specific things. He knew the prices even the promos to avail for a cheaper amount. He even teaches her how to look at the fresh goods.

"Do you usually buy your groceries?" Haru broke the silence between them as she walked beside him pushing the cart.

"Yup. Eldest child duties, I guess and like I told you, my mom's absent to do this kind of responsibilities so I had no choice to fill in for my sisters." he answered before stopping to get a pack of tofu.

It's not on her list so she assumed it might be for the dish he's going to make for her.

His mom's absent like mine... I wonder if I can ask what happened and what it is like for him. Was it hard? Haru was unconsciously being more curious about him now. Compared to the question she kept thinking yesterday 'Why would he date someone like her?' her curiosity leveled up.

Mitsuya saw how she looked at him, her eyes telling him that she wanted to know more and he knew what it was. Because of that, he felt butterflies. She's getting curious now.

"She left us." he simply stated which shocked her.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that." she sincerely apologized because of now being sensitive about it . He smiled and patted her head then took over on pushing the cart.

"That's fine. No biggie. C'mon, what's next on the list?"


After an hour, they're already done with the grocery. She wanted to help him carry the bags but he rejected.

"Hey, that's my grocery. At least let me carry the lightest," she insisted. I already felt useless earlier inside, it might hurt his pride but bro, that's my grocery. She thought.

"Fine. Then hold this one." he handed him the lightest and smallest bags of all. It was his bag of purchase, a pack of cigarettes.

At that moment, Haru remembered that he's actually an adult who's in college so he can smoke. I completely forgot about that.

Haru sighed, "This is not mine—" she was cut off when he placed the helmet on her.

"You asked for the lightest bag right?" there was nothing she could do if this was such a pushover. Haru rolled her eyes.

When Mitsuya was loading the grocery bags on his motorbike, she rode the bike and they left to go home.

She told him the way to her grandma's house despite the fact that she didn't want to for the reason that he might go there anytime he wants to since he said that this won't be the only day they will date.

"You're grandma lives here?" he asked while examining the house.

"Yes. There's only the two of us." She got off the bike and gave him the helmet. They helped each other with the bags, thankfully Mitsuya finally let her carry two bags.

She led the way inside, "Pardon the intrusion..." Mitsuya respectfully said. Haru looked at him and smiled. Wow, that's a plus.

"Grandma, I'm back. We have an unexpected visitor." she said and went inside directly to the kitchen and Mitsuya followed. Still roaming his eyes around the house.

"Oh my, who is this guy, Haru-chan?" her grandma came out from her room. Looking slightly much better than early this morning.

"He's—" once again, Mitsuya cut her off and went ahead.

"Good evening, Grandma. I'm Haru-chan's senpai from school, Mitsuya Takashi."her brows raised. Not expecting him to introduce himself as her senpai. I mean, he's actually my senpai. Am I expecting something from his introduction?

She shakes her head to get rid of the thought. Haru began organizing the grocery while her grandma and Mitsuya were talking.

Minutes later, she had already changed her clothes. When she left her room, she saw her grandma sitting on the dining table with a hot tea in her hand.

Her senpai on the other hand is already cooking something. The aromatic scent of his cooking made her stomach growled. Haru gulped before approaching him.

"Wow... You actually can cook." She mumbled beside him as she looked at the soup he's making.

Mistuya chuckled. "Don't flatter me too much." he said and grabbed a spoon. "Here, have some and tell me about the taste."

Haru was taken aback because of what he did. For her, it looked a bit too cheesy gesture that definitely sent butterflies to her stomach. What is this...

She took a sip of the soup from the spoon he's holding. When the taste reached her buds her eyes sparkled in joy. She couldn't contain herself and smack his shoulder,

"Hey, it's freaking delicious! What the heck?"

Mitsuya blushed of course. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Sheesh, it's delicious! What are you? An angel from above" she joked.

"Jeez, Haru. Yes, I'm an angel sent to you and please, I said don't flatter me too much," Mitsuya placed the spoon down. He could feel how his heart beats so fast that he could hear it. His face heats up and it makes him sweat even more.

"Why?" it's the truth though! That soup actually tastes so good!

Mitsuya looked at her,

"My heart couldn't take it..."



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