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"Haru-chan, can you go buy groceries for me? I'm not feeling well since last night. I don't know what happened..."

Haru looked up, she's currently sitting on the floor doing embroidery on a sweatshirt and saw her grandma looking all pale holding a piece of paper. Probably a list of groceries she needs to buy.

She immediately stopped what she's doing and walked up to her, " Grandma, you should have just called me in your room." Haru helped her walk back to her room.

"I did not have the strength to volume up my voice..." her grandma said. She sighed.

Today is the day her senpai, Mitsuya, will take her out for a date. She got up way too early... Actually, she didn't sleep at all because of that. That's why she decided to do some embroidery on her sweat shirt that she might wear later if she finished it immediately.

I mean... Why would he take me out on a date??? Still the question that keeps lingering on her mind, keeping it awake all night. Although Mitsuya made it clear that he's hitting on her. Haru couldn't think of any reason why of all people and that's insanely insane for her. We didn't even know each other.

When they arrived at her grandmother's room, she immediately saw the opened window and at that moment, she knew why her grandma was sick.

"Don't forget to buy the butter..." as she tucked her grandma on the bed, she's still reminding her not to forget specific products like butter.

"I know, Grandma. Take a rest now. It's still 5am, geez." she said and went to close the window. Fall weather is still too cold for her grandma to catch cold fast.

Haru exited the room after making sure her grandma was finally resting. She began to do her own thing before going to school. She ate a bunch for breakfast and drank a cup of coffee. She also carried her medicines with her just in case she might collapse from being sleep deprived.

Ahh... Why does it feel like I'm a kid excited for a trip? She couldn't blame anyone other than Mitsuya himself. Aside from her, he's literally the root cause of all this.

Haru left the sweater she's embroidering since there's no way she'll be able to complete that within a day. Walking on the streets, there's already cherry blossom leaves falling from the ground. People from the neighborhood began to take pictures from the trees.

She arrived at the school right on time. It's still 15 minutes early so she decided to go outside and roam around the field. Just like in their neighborhood, students are busy taking pictures with the trees.

Haru took out her phone and took a picture of it also. She shared it on her account before putting back the phone in her pocket.

"What's this?" Haru saw two students before the wall. They looked like a couple of some sort of that kind of thing where something was going on between them.

She suddenly has a thought that what will happen if this specific scene that is happening right happened to her and Mitsuya?

Not even 5 seconds since having that thought, she shakes her head to forget about it. What the heck? Is all she could react to it.

The girl is a third year student based on her indoor shoes while the boy is in the same year as hers.

Is he confessing to her? It's amazing to think that he's actually doing it in the morning. What a tough guy, I salute. She thought as she silently watched them.

She salutes on the bravery of the guy but not on the boldness of Mitsuya.

"I'm breaking up with you," Haru's eyes widened, not expecting that. She was literally shocked that she almost caught their attention because of her gasping too loud.

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