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That night, it wasn't only Mitsuya who could feel that. They were frozen in their places, staring at each other's eyes like they were drawn by it.

"I...Sorry. I'll arrange the plates," she looked away and turned around.

Mitsuya on the other hand smiled and cleared his throat, "Sure. Thanks"

My heart couldn't take it...yeah so do I.

Haru thought as she blankly looked at the ceiling of her room, feeling her heartbeat on her palms while reminiscing that specific moment earlier at dinner time.

"No..." she denies.


Sunday morning came, it was already 6AM when she got up. There are no classes but she got some errands to run. After a quick breakfast and bath, Haru left the house bringing a bag of last night's dinner. The dinner Mitsuya made.

He made a lot so there's a lot of leftovers and she decided to share some of it to people in need.

"Good morning, Haru-chan!" a smile flashed on her face and opened her arms to welcome Kibi for a hug as a greet.

Kibi, an orphan living in the church near their house, a kid whom she witnessed how he grew over the time.

In Haru's sixth grade, she was introduced to this place by her grandma. That's when she started volunteering and where she met the kid.

Haru raised the paper bag she's holding, "I have something delicious," Kibi's eyes sparkled in excitement. He snatched the bag and ran inside screaming about the news.

She giggled and followed.

As she volunteers in this place and begins keeping an eye on every kid, there's no lie that she felt a little hole inside her heart. A parent's presence was missing. She is the same as these kids.

Actually, they're much worse than her. They were dumped here like some sort of thing. They didn't know their real names, their birthdays, their real age, or at least their nationality.

She sighed.

"Good morning, Haru-chan!" one of the other volunteers, Shena, greeted her. She greeted me back and smiled. They had a chitchat, Shena telling her about another kid's adaptation that's happening later in the afternoon and Kibi's potential foster parents who's already on the processing of papers.

"That's good to hear. I know for a fact that Kibi always wanted parents just like some other kids." she commented, a little sad that sooner or later, Kibi will be gone from this place and she won't see him every time she comes here if he gets adapted.

After catching up with the place and taking her time to have fun and help, before lunch she already went back home. And just like she expected after telling where she lives, Mitsuya is in front of their house.

She stopped walking when she realized that he's actually doing something. Her brows furrowed.

Is he gardening?

He's plotting some flowers on a pot. The soils are on the ground and some gardening materials. Unlike how he usually dresses, today he's dressed too comfortably. A white shirt, cargo shorts and slippers. And the highlight of the outfit, the pink gloves used for gardening.

Haru looked on the other side and there she saw her grandma, standing at the front door also watching Mitsuya. It's like she's instructing him on what to do as they talk to each other.

She finally decided to walk to them.

"Senpai," She called. Mitsuya looked up and lit up a smile when he saw her.

"Hey," He stood up, "I was just passing by when your grandma called for help." Haru's brows raised, she's not believing him obviously and he knew that.

"I live four blocks away." he said, "If you don't believe me, should I invite you over for lunch?" and once again, just like last night, he caught her off guard. The way he threw questions like that always got her.

"I believe you," she walked pass by him

"It doesn't look like that to me," he replied. Mitsuya followed her inside the house and immediately grabbed her hand.

"Hey, are you mad?"

"Is there something I should be mad about?" he shuts up since there's none and it's just his terrible intuition.

Yeah, right. Maybe I'm the only one who overthinks about what I just blurted out last night. I mean that's a big deal...but it's also not.

"Well," he took a deep breath, "Maybe I should go now since I'm already done helping your grandma," He looked at her, hoping for some kind of reaction that he's already leaving.

"Sure. Bye, Thanks for the help." his brows raised, yup. Not the reaction that I was hoping for. He thought for a second.


Later that night, waiting to fall asleep, Haru's phone vibrated. A new text message was received from an unknown number.

She read the text that says, "Have a good night's sleep. :)"

Another message popped up, now it says "It's Takashi," and that made her jump out of her bed. Takashi? Like Mitsuya Takashi, the pink glove guy?

Haru panicked and confusedly looked at the text before replying, asking how he got her number. He immediately replied, "From the club records. " and he seems to be proud of it.

She didn't know what to do but to get back to laying on her bed again. There's nothing that I can do about it. He already got my number and I can't deny that it's mine after I asked that question.

That's violating my data privacy

Well, then. How much is my fine?

Depends. How much do you have?

I have enough to give you a life.

woah. So you're like God?

I'm different from him but you can kneel and pray for me.

Dude, I'm a minor.

I'm not.

That's the freaking point??

hahaha I know. I'm just kidding.

What time is your class tomorrow?

8AM. Why?

I'll give you a ride.

It's free if you're wondering.

I'm not wondering. I'm thinking of an excuse.



Like what?

Like, I don't want you to give me a free ride to school..?

seen 10:34PM

"Did I offend him? I'm just being honest..." she whispered while looking at the text. Yet minutes after feeling a bit guilty, he replied.

If that's what you want then sure.

I understand that it makes you uncomfortable, sorry for that.

Thanks for understanding, senpai


No need to say sorry

I was in the wrong

even in the first place :)

"Even in the first place?" Did he just indirectly say that it was a mistake meeting me?



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