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"He's my guardian!"

That took him by surprise but he didn't hesitate to claim it, even if it somehow hurts him because— of course he like the girl.

"Yes. I am her guardian,"

Haru tightend her grip on the hem of his clothe. She's really scared right now and he knew he have to do something to prevent her mother on taking her away.

It's not even because of grandma's last wish anymore, but also it's like an instinct for him to keep her by his side. He does not want to let her go.

Haru's mom laughed sarcastically and even clapped her hands like an evil villain in some fairytales.

"uh...wow? Am I supposed to believe that kind of shit?" she took a step forward. "I must admit that I admire your enthusiasm young man. But just like I said," she stopped and snapped her fingers.

In a blink of an eye, Mitsuya is lying on the ground and lost grasp of Haru. "I'll keep this kid on my hands. Not on your hands but mine."she continued.

He groaned in frustration as he can't bring himself to stand up. He cannot overpower her bodyguard and that feels lik shit. Damn it! Do something Takashi!

"C'mon Iguchi. Take that child. And dispose that young man Haneda" she told her bodyguards and started walking away.

Mitsuya hear to well how loud Haru calls out for his name. The fear in her tone, he could hear well how she cries for help. And he feels like a total useless man after being unable to fight and go save her.

The moments were too fast to follow along. All he could process is how Haneda beat him up, throws him  somewhere far away from the funeral home and leaving him behind in the weeded place.

He coughed blood and turned to see the sky wih nothing but dark clouds.

"Fuck..." is the last thing he said before passing out.


"Act well or you're dead, all right?" her 'mother' whispered to her before they both entered  the hall.

It was huge, decorations were exquisitely amazing, a lot of people are present but she can't seem to recognize even one person. Everyone's outfit screams luxury.

Haru has no idea how long has it been since that night. She's worried about Mitsuya but she cannot find a way to contact him. She didn't even got a hold of her grandmother's ashes. And every night she wonders how well Mitsuya is...

Since that night, a lot of things happened. Her mother brought her somewhere she's unfamiliar with. It was a mansion where everything inside are expensive.

She was given a butler named Jihae. Jihae is a korean in blood but grew up in Japan. She's there to aid everything Haru needs.

At first Haru thought that why all the furious acts of her mother when she will pamper her in this way? But of course, that was just her thought.

"You will learn everything starting from etiquette until you became a perfect wife." apparently, her mother sold her off to a billionaire. She will marry the billionaire she's not even sure about his background aside from that.

Haru remembered why her grandmother always tell her that when this time come, she must avoid her mother at all cost. But unfortunately, she didn't as she pushed her way on taking a hold of her.

For the passed time, she was taught a lot of things as she need to 'satify' her husband.

"Good evening, Mr. Kokonoi. As we speak, I brought the girl with me." her mom talked to a white haired man that resembles the Kentucky colonel inside he wears a navy blue suit.

Behind the man is another man with small cat eyes who looks at her like he's judging every angle she has. It gives her anxiety.

"You must be Haru?" the old man talked to her. She smiled just like how she practiced and bow before introducing herself. The old man laughed in amusement.

"Well, I bet you already know him," he called for the guy, "He's Hajime, my son."

She knew him, by name. So he's the guy that I'm about to marry. He looked like the same age as senpai. If this arranged marriage didn't exist, I would rather marry senpai that this silver spoon guy.

They were told to keep each other's company. Before leaving with Hajime, her mom warned her to be polite and act like how she was taught.

Hajime grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the circle that's full of plastic people.

He brought her outside where the cold breeze is. They're at the top floor of a luxury hotel but they stand on the very corner part of the balcony where there's a few to none people.

"How old are you again?" Hajime asked her with a frown on his face.

"I'm turning fifteen," she heard how he muttered 'fuck'. Based on how he reacts, he didn't know her age or he wasn't told beforehand before agreeing to this.

"That shitty old man, how could he—wait." he took a silence while she blankly watch him, "Are you sex trafficked?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know." she got sold, yes. But there's no sex involve. But still, is she being trafficked? She's not sure anymore. "That's my mother, by the way."

Haru saw how wide his eyes went. He's not told. Certainly, he's not tild about a lot of things. This seems like he's also forced to agree.

In frustration, Hajime pulled out a stick of cigarette from his pocket.

"You're rich, why are you not using a tobacco or something that's fancy?" she asked out of curiosity.

"I'm not rich. It's my dad's wealth not mine." he lit it up and blew a smoke away from her face. "Do you mind?" he asked.

"No. I know someone who also smoke so it doesn't matter."

There was a silence between them. Haru felt like she's safe with Hajime. She could see that they're both on the side of not being happy with the arranged marriage. Maybe I could convince him?

"Do you have an experience with sex?" he asked.

"No. But I want to explore it when I age up , maybe 3 or 4 years from now."

"oh,I see. If ever I would be your first."

"Only if I allow you to." at that small talk, she suddenly remembered Mitsuya's face. Ah, why am I even realizing it now that were apart?

"Should we try now?" he joked about it.

"Sure but I'm currently a minor." Hajime chuckled and blew out a smoke again.

Again, there was a silence between them. At some point, she really felt safe with him. Nah, thus must be because of that stupid lessons. I must be brainwashed to feel good on his presence.

Haru sighed before speaking.

"Can't you cancel the marriage? As I see to it, you're not even interested in our situation." if only her mother could hear the way she talk, she's already dead.

"I can but I want to be with you for a while bare with it, alright?" then he kissed her cheek.

And here I thought I could make an alliance with him. How dumb of me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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