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"Haru, do you remember me?"

Haru was stunned. She didn't know what to answer. Aside from not knowing him, Haru couldn't figure out why he was asking her that.

Did they meet before? How come she couldn't remember? Or are they perhaps distant relatives?

Me?Remember him? why???

Because she got uncomfortable with his hold, she subtly removed his grip on hers. "Uh, I do not. Why senpai?" and tilter her head slightly.

She stares at his face trying to remember a single time if they've met before but no matter how hard, she just couldn't remember him.

The disappointed expression from his eyes and smile, she knew her answer didn't satisfy him. How is she supposed to know? As far as Haru remembers, their first meeting was earlier this morning. In the hallway. There's no before that.

Am I weird for not remembering him or is he the weird one for asking me that?

Haru blinked and took a glance on the dance floor, searching for Jinkie but she literally drowned on the loud music and the vibes.

She looked back at Mitsuya, he sat down and did something on the table with his head down. Her brows furrowed.

He's holding a ballpen and a paper, he's literally writing something in the middle of a party. Where'd he get the paper? And why bring a ballpen at this place?

Haru didn't know if she should leave to return her plate or she should stay out of respect to him since there's no sign that they're done talking. But in the end, she stayed.

"What the hell am I doing?"she murmured.

She sat down again and waited for him. He tore the paper into pieces and wrote something on each one of them. She couldn't contain her curiosity, "What are you writing?" she asked.

"Choices." he answered, flipping over every piece like he's hiding the said choices in her vision.

Minutes later he finished up. Picked up two pieces of paper and showed her the blank side of them.

"Since you don't remember me, let me help you retrieve your memories." he nonsensely said.

"Retrieve my memories? Dude, I don't have amnesia to retrieve memories." that got me offended in a way, no joke. She thought.

Mitsuya shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah but you don't remember me so..." Haru rolled her eyes that made him chuckle. "Anyway, pick one."

"What if I don't?" Honestly, she is not a fan of mind games or any kind of games like this. And based on what her senpai is currently doing he's literally playing. With her.

"That would be bad."


"Because you already rejected me without even starting." her brows raised. That was a double meaning statement in its sense.

Not to be assuming but at least I hope that's not what it meant.

Haru gulped and decided to pick one paper so that it would be over. She's nervous in some way but whatever, she wants him to stop already. A smile creeps on his lips before glancing at her.

"What does it say?" her hands become sweaty because of that smile made her be. Plus, the loud music is just affecting her.

At some point, she suddenly thought of those cringey immature romance books that she had read before. Those relationships that started from ridiculous games, dating games and the likes. Haru felt like that would happen to her the moment Mitsuya presented the papers. And that would be the worst case scenario that would happen.

"Well, it says that we should grab dinner." he flipped and showed her the paper with 'dinner' written on it.

"What's the other one?" I have a bad feeling about this.

"Breakfast." he said. "I was planning to take you out," that caught her off guard. Take me out? Like how.. Like on a dinner? With fancy candle lights and wine with steaks? Oh my freaking...

"And I wanted you to decide by choosing on those papers,"he explained. So if ever I chose the breakfast one then we'll be having breakfast together? Is that what he meant?

"wait.. Are you hitting on me? Senpai...?"

Mitsuya shrugged his shoulders once again. "hmm...yeah. That's obviously it." Why me?

"Wow. You're pretty bold aren't you?"

Despite saying that sarcasm, deep inside she's freaking out. Aside from experiencing this for the first time, someone literally asked her out, he's freaking smooth on making a move. If only she's a simple minded like the other girls, she would hysterically freak out. But thankfully, she just subtly freaks out.

Haru reached out her drink and sipped on it.

"I hope you don't mind me hitting on you, no?" I actually do. But she couldn't answer at some point.

"Do you have class tomorrow?" Mitsuya asked. Cleaning the papers.

"Wait, we're done already? What about those papers?" he gave her a teasing smile.

"Don't worry, we'll be using them." he stood up, "so do you have class tomorrow?"

"Yeah. We're done by 4pm."she answered. Getting hints from his question.

"Alright. Wait for me at the gate."He was about to leave but she just couldn't let him. Haru pulled his jacket.

"Are you doing it tomorrow?" she asked and he nodded. Her eyes widened.


"Uh..nothing. Don't wait in front of the gate. Just... A street before. I'll meet you there."

Mitsuya smiled and held her hand, "Sure." then broke out of contact with her.

Haru watched Mitsuya leave the place. He just arrived but he's already leaving. And because of that, she assumed that he would attend the party just to tell her that he's gonna hit on her and ask her on a date.

Oh my. Jikie will probably kill me once she learns about this. Oh my freaking self... Why are you so impulsive? And why can't you say no?!

That night, she didn't get enough sleep when she went home. She wanted to stop the time because she knew there's no way she can ditch her senpai.



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