Chapter Nine: The Fury

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TW: Mentions of rape and murder (not a big part of the chapter, just there to prove a point)

Danny sighed tiredly as he sat in the lobby of... you know what. He has no idea, nor does actually care at this point.

For the last three weeks, Danny's parents have dragged him on a big 'family' road trip for some good ol' family bonding time. But really, they were just traveling to as many science conventions set up across the country to show off their weapons and gadgets.

Let's not even mention they were preaching to whoever would listen that Phantom being part of the Justice League was a bad idea coming. The usual bit about all ghosts being evil and untrustworthy, yadda yadda yadda.

Danny sat with them for the first two, but he couldn't stomach listening to them basically talk about how 'horrible and evil' he is and all the ways they know could kill him. All which include a slow and painful death for the said halfa.

Luckily for him, no one seems to buy it.

This isn't the first time the Fentons went on these convention road trips at this time of year. It's just that all those times they were speaking of other ghosts, and not just Phantom, and people would hardly give them the time of day. Labeling Jack and Maddie Fenton crazy.

Now, the two adults seem to create riots to every convention they go. Many people, scientists and civilians alike surprisingly, were pissed with how Jack and Maddie Fenton spoke of the hero Phantom. Apparently, only the GIW, government, since the Ecto Acts were still up to Danny's knowledge, and Amity Park are the only ones to believe Danny to be the evil mastermind ghost Jack and Maddie make him out to be.

The world knows of Phantom and the logical, and truthful, explanations behind his 'evil' deeds that Lois Lane managed to find, along with solid evidence to back her up. As she had written when Phantom first came out with the Justice League.

Danny still needs to find a way to thank her.

Suddenly, Danny's sensitive hearing picked up a loud crash sounding several buildings down the street, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Leaving his stuff on his seat, knowing full well what a bad idea that was, Danny poked his head out the main doors to see a blond woman in a white with golden detailing and a golden headpiece. She stood in front of shattered entry way of a gemstone.

It was clear to Danny that this woman had clearly ripped the doors off.

Something in his gut told him that this woman's style was familiar. And this was obviously had to be stopped.

Welp, Danny may be on vacation, no matter how sucky it is, but Phantom isn't.

Danny was quick to sneak out of the building to a nearby alley way where he transformed and turned invisible and intangible, just in case as he followed the blonde woman inside.

She marched purposefully through the main entrance and looked straight up at the security camera.

"This message is for the Justice League.", the woman announced, "As we speak, my friends are robbing the gem depository. We dare you and the police to try and stop us."

With that said, she continued to march forward with a satisfied air about her.

"That should get their attention."

She isn't wrong. Danny is definitely intrigued. But he decided against revealing himself just yet. He knows the woman's message was to bait the League, and Danny has no idea who she has with and how many of these 'friends' the woman has at her disposal.

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