Chapter 5

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*mattheos POV* - Yesterday Night

My brother tom and I were sat in our office working in silence trying to finish off some paperwork before going to our fathers meeting when we heard muffled shouts coming from the room next door. Tom was getting distracted by it so we went to go check out what was going on and also to shut up whoever was in there making those noises. when we opened the door the room was in complete darkness except for the interrogation light, it was lighting up a corner of the room, as soon as the door opened the noises stopped and a girl underneath that light stared at us, it was easy to see that she was scared. i went over too her and crouched down to her eye level trying to comfort her but also trying to show no sign of weakness infront of my brother andthe boys. 

its hard to not show weakness when a very cute little girl is tied to a chair in front of you with no way of retaliating. she looked so scared yet she wanted to put up some sort of fight. it was adorable really. 

tom told everyone to leave and get ready for the meeting and soon couldnt be bothered and left himself, i however stayed and took off the tape that was over her mouth. I asked waht her name was and what last thing she remembers is. after that i took her to my room, i told her to stay there and not touch anyhting. i then went to my fathers meeting. 

I walked into the drawing room of riddle manor, to find the long table lined with death eaters, Father was angry that i was late, in fact no he was fuming, the last time i saw him like this was when one of his death eaters tried to kill him themselves.

"son, where the fucking hell were you? you are 5 minutes late to the meeting you little shit."

"i was taking care of a little guest that the boys decided to bring here, a girl around our age kidnapped by Lorenzo and Hannah Berkshire under the order of Malfoy and Dolohov, she knows you were involved Malfoy so dont be surprised if she hates you tomorrow. i do not know the reason why she was kidnapped so ill leave that up to Malfoy and Dolohov to decide whether they explain themselves or not." i state, then going and sitting opposite tom on fathers left. 

"Well lets start with your side of the story Malfoy." my father says viciously. Malfoy gulps as he slowly stand up and looks towards my father, his parents are nevous, the Malfoys hide every emotion except fear very well. 

"My Lord, I have known this girl since first year at hogwarts, she is a mudblood, hermione grangers twin sister to be exact or so we all thought, last year the gryffindor granger got very drunk at a party and i was able to use veritaserum on her quite easily, i asked why she and her twin didnt look alike at all and she replied by stating that they weren't sisters at all, not even in the slightest bit related. i asked if the younger granger knew about htis and she palinly said no as they were sworn to secrecy when she was given to them by the ministry of magic, when gryffindor started suspecting things, they told their daughter but also told her that very bad men would take her away if she told anyone else including her sister. i then told my hogwarts friend group about this and they all said that i should be nicer to the fake granger if i anted to find out who she really was. so ive been nice to hersince around the start of last year. i then tio,d Dolohov about this and he agreed to help me find out who she was. We spent the whole of last year working on it, me finding out information and Dolohov adding it to the research. Nearer the end of the school year we figured it out, she is a dolohov, we also did a muggle thing called  a DNA test to chwck and sure enough we were right. Dolohov decided he wanted to meet her so i said best time to meet her is the first day back she has a traditiomn woth the golden trioto go see the great old brute, Hagrid and so im guessing they went through with it and kidnapped her. That is all i know My Lord" Malfoy says solemny with no emotion and sits back down after bowing to my father. 

"Dolohov, boy is this true?" my father asks in an interrogating manner. 

"yes my lord, Draco Lucious Malfoy is telling the truth and nothing but the truth." Niall replies. 

"very well i will decide what to do with her, in the meantime, my son, Mattheo you will take her back to hogwarts though i do not want you to obliviate her, i want to see if we can trust her, i do want you to blindfold her though as i dont want her knowing where she was. If she asks why your arent obliviating her just say she too pure for it. but make sure to threaten her with death if she tells anyone." my father says to me.

i nod "Yes father" i then procced to leave the room and head up to my room 20 minutes earlier than expected. when i get to m room i notce she was trying to rush back to the bed before i got to the room but she was too unlucky, i can tell she is scared of me and what i could do so i tell her what im going to do. when we apperate she passes out, clearly she has never done that before. 

she was unconcious for about half an hour before she started calling for help, i realised i had left her with her hands tied behind her back and the blindfold still on. i tell her exactly what my father had told me to and then i tell her to go and i apperate out, but i dont, i just hide from her and watch as she waits a minute and then runs down to a small hut at the bottom of a hill. must be the 'great old brutes' home. once i see her in the hut safe and sound i apperate back home to find Malfoy preparing to go back to school. 

*malfoy pov* - next morning

i was heading to the great hall for breakfast when i bumped into  a flash of brown hair, i face planted the floor and grunted a si got up. i was picking up my books i had dropped as i said "dude watch where you going." i got the reply of 

"fuck off malfoy, right now i want nothing to do with you." id recognise that voice anywhere, eliza, she definetley knows about me being involved in last night as her voice is laced with hatred and confusion, probably wondering why i decided to even show my face after what i did, i mean she trusted me. I look up at her i am about to say something but i cant and my mouth just stays hangijng open like a dead fish. 

" are you going to carry on standing there catching flies or are you going to fuck off?" i quickly shut my mouth after she says this and walk away. On my walk to the great hall i could stop the thoughts racing through my mind. 

why couldnt the dark lord let mattheo just obliviate her? if they didnt interrogate her what was the point of it all? why cant anything in my life go my way? what if they go through with the plan voldemort came up with once amttheo left? why is she so annoyed? what exactly did they tell her? why cant she even look at me? the least she could do is look at me right? 

*Mattheo riddle Pov* - next morning 

I have just finished breakfast, father told me his plan and i have no choice but to go through with it, first step get into hogwarts. I go to the bottom drawer of my desk to get my diary, i am infuriated by the last few parts of his plan. I need to vent and the only thing i can do that with it my diary, i open the drawer and its empty, no diary no nothing just empty space. I'm livid now, just got bored and took a look around huh? We'll see about that, this gives me more reason to go to hogwarts. To get my diary back. I'm coming for you elizabeth granger. 


A/N: hey so another long chapter-ish. thanks for all the reads it really means a lot. Chapter 6 is in the making as when i posted the last chapter this one was already finished anyway so i decided to post it. again can someone please let me know which they prefer: short, long or mixture.

word count: 1535 words

N xx

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