Chapter 8

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He looks me up and down, his mind eating me up like a massive feast. I do admit i look great but, i dont feel as confident as i did before i saw him. i dont know what it is. he makes me feel things i've never felt before. I love the way he can change mood at the snap of a finger, they way he will get angry at the tiniest thing. ive enjoyed winding him up all day, his fault for sitting next to me. 

But i felt more comfortable in school appropriate clthes that arent too revealing but at a party wearing the tight and very revealing dress that i am with his eyes going up and down my body like thart. i just feel self-concious. i shake away the feelings for now and smile.

i go over to the mini bar and grab fire whiskey to start the night. I go dance with the girls all of us taking turns with drinking passing the bottle around downing it all within 3 minutes of being a the party. we started grinding on each other, all of us knowing the new boys were staring right at us but still not giving a fuck. 

After about an hour of dancing me and Alexia were exhausted and went of to the couches to play spin the bottle with the boys while getting our breaths back. 

(pick dotted line = tension, alexia's is draco's ex and then obvi liz is mad at him for being part of her kidnapping)

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(pick dotted line = tension, alexia's is draco's ex and then obvi liz is mad at him for being part of her kidnapping)

"I'll go first i guess, i just really hope i dont get Elizabeth." niall says


"no not like that its just, umm nevermind." he says when he catches Draco's eye. He spins the bottle and it lands on Alexia. i spot draco clench his jaw, i guess he still aint over her. 

Niall stands up and lifts her chin with one finger while kissing her for at least 10 seconds. when they pull away they both start to blush. she looks over at me, who is smiling her head of :). She gives me a death glare knowing im likely to tell the whole friend group she kisseda dolohov and they both blushed. 

Alexia spins the bottle and it lands on Hannah, they kiss but its pnly a quick peck on the lips. Alexia has never been really comfortable with kissing other girls, i guess she is just as straight as straight can be :) it's now hannah's turn to spin the bottle. 

It lands on her brother but we all decided that was a big no, so she spun again. It landed on Draco. Hannah looks disgusted, im guessing all the boys in the group feel like her brothers, biological or not, or she has really good taste and would hate kiss the slithering little bleached ferret (sorry not sorry). They also have a quick peck on the lips before hannah pulls away looking traumatised. 

Draco's turn! He spins the bottle and it lands on Alexia. I feel really bad for her now, imagine having to kiss your drunk as fuck ex. how traumatising. 

Alexia's turn again. its spins around about 5 times before finally slowing to a stop at Mattheo. they kiss for again at least ten seconds and then its Mattheo's turn to spin. its spins and spins and spins and then suddenly loses all momentum and stops at me. He stands up and takes few steps forward, then he waggles his finger at me beckoning me forward. i stand up and take a step towards him. He takes his finger that was waggling and hooks it under my chin while the other hand snakes around my waist pulling me onnto him. He stares at me a few seconds and then i get butterflies in my stomach when  i feel him smashing his lips onto mine. His tongue glides along my bottom lip asking permission to enter and when i deny it, he forces himself in causing me to fall backwards into the chair. it was just starting to get heated when a voice interrupted. 

"Either get a room or finish your make out session." it was tom. Mattheo instantly pulled away, winked at me and then sat back down glaring at his brother who was sat next to me. Me and Alexia got bored quite quickly and went back to dancing with the other girls who for some reason havent needed to take a break yet. 

Alexia and I were dancing with each other when somebody asked if they could steal me away, she nodded, they came behinnd me and whispered in my ear. 

"how would you like to go to my dorm and finish what we started?" he was drunk and so was i but i am not losing my virginity to a drunken mistake, i was sober enough to know that. 

"no thanks riddle, but going back to the dorms sounds like a great plan, i do have a very busy day tomorrow."

and i walked out and just left him there dumbfounded after being turned down. its true though i have a competition tomorrow.


A/N: hey so im going to do shorter chapters at the moment. 

1. because its my birthday on thursday and 2. IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS! yes im one of those people who get really excited about it but im not allowed to do anything christmassy until after my birthday (mum's rule). Also im going riding for three hours im probs gonna ride brodie or flyer (fingers crossed) tmrw well today since its 01.20am when im writing this. i do not know when ill post this whether it be 10.00pm or in 40 mins. but ill go back to bigger chapters soon seeing as some of my friends have told me in person they want longer chapters. okay ill update soon bye. 

word count: 999 words

N xx

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