Chapter 21

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Back to Elizabeth's POV:

i was brushing down brodies neck when i felt a soft but sudden tap on my shoulder, i get a small fright. i turn around and stood there looking down ojn me is mattheo. 

"What do you want dickhead?"

"No need to be so harsh." he pretended to be upset by what i called him, "3i just wanted to say well done and that of you." 

did he just stutter? iv'e never seen this side of him, i've known him for a little over a week now and he always seemed so confident. i never imagined him to be the sort of guy to end up stuttering especially in front of a girl like me. I was speechless. 

"umm..thanks i guess, umm anyways i need to go see how eva is doing, can you groom him?" 

"I dont know how to!"he shouts as i start walking away. 

"Just use the hairbrush to brush his mane and tail." i start jogging towards the arena to find eva, since she had to have been done by now, i see her walking the opposite way to the trailer with zeus, it looked like something was on her mind, i slow to a walk and was about to go after her to find out what was wrong when i was swallowed up in a crowd of people from my stables, my family and Eva's parents. 

i was overwhelmed by all the well dones and im so proud of yous and the cuddles, kisses, bear hugs and the i knew you could do its. I had lost sight of Eva. Where could she have gone, whats on her mind. did i do something wrong? 


A/N: back to short chapters, Yay! im sick of doing long chapters, they just get really boring for me to write. oh and by the way please go read my new book its called sam and colby. its basically just memes and funny, cute pictures of them for all the fangirls like me. 

word count: 341 words 

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