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She rides horses, He plays quidditch, She wont admit she loves him, He doesnt believe in love.
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As I turn the corner and walk down the driveway to the stables, mattheo slips his hand into mine again. I can feel his eyes burning into me and he was definetley smirking, probably from the fact I havent pulled my hand away from his. To be honest I dont know why I didnt either. I think I might actually like mattheo, the mattheo riddle. I might love him even. But I dont, I cant like him,Ii will never like him, I just like the feeling of my hand holding his, thats all. Thats all, no biggie.
As soon as we get to the gate i let go of his hand and hop over it, i cant be bothered to open it, and run towards the field at the very far end of the stables. i can hear heavy feet running behind me, he was following me, i get to the far field and i see my boy in the corner under the old oak tree. I whistle tweice to grab his attention and he starts to canter up the slight hill, whilst i swing my legs over the pearl white gate and sit on it. he slows to a trot as he gets nearer and i reach out towards him, and he rests his head in my hands. i kiss his nose with a small laugh escaping my lips when he snorts in my face, his warm breath fanning it.
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(imagine this without the bridle and the horse is brown)
Mattheo POV:
She turns round a corner as i follow her, i decide to risk it, i need to make my move or else the plan will fail and father will not be happy. I slip my hand into hers, she doesnt pull away which i was slightly shocked by, but then i am irresistable so...
we reach a gate and she lets go of my hand. she launches herself over the gate and starts running, her long, wavy brown hair flowing in the wind behind her. i chase after, i dont want to be left alone, im already missing her touch.
i dont like her and im incapable of love so it wont ever happen anyways. she runs to a big field, with white fences running in a massive square making a boundry. Elizabeth whistles twice, and swings her legs over the fence and sits on it. a big brown muggle creature comes up to her and she smiles that beautiful smile.
ew did i just compliment her?
i get lost in thought whilst staring at her. she turns to face me and smiles at me bringning me back from my thoughts, i huff at her when i realise she is smiling at me. i want her to smile at me like that, always.
A/N: hi so i know this took forever for me to write but, christmas is like the busiest time of the year i guess. Please let me know whether i should write another book after this or not. And i know this chapter is probably like the shortest one i have ever written but i think i might stick to short chapters, so there will be more chapters now but they will be shorter which means i might post 2 or 3 at a time, im going to be more frequent with my updates, maybe like once every two or three weeks. anyways please comment and/or vote, it would really bring my confidence up.