chapter 12

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"and you are?" my dad asks, protectivity lacing his voice thickly. 

"Mattheo, Mattheo Riddle. I'm sure you won't of heard of me, Liz is embarrased to be my friend at the best of times, i'm here to support her in the competition."

how the fuck does he know that? why the fuck can he lie so easily? 

"oh, well in that case welcome to our humble abode. come on, come in. Your welcome whenever you like." my mum says sweetly. my jaw just drops to the ground. i was kind of hoping dad would tell him to go away and never darken there doorstep again. FUCK THIS! 

i just walk past my parents and up the stairs, they call my name but i dont turn around i just keep going. up. up. up. all the way to the third floor, where me and moine's bedroom is. i open the door and drop my bag on the ground. 

bedroom <3

(top bunk is a bed btw)

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(top bunk is a bed btw)

i climb up the ladder and sit on my bed silently curse at my parents for being so stupid as to let him stay. i curse and curse, hating my god damn parents right now. i lay down and stuff my head into the pillow. I start to cry, knowing something fucked up will happen while he is here. 

my door clicks shut, i sniffle while getting up and wiping my eyes. him. he was stood there staring at me, a glint of guilt flickers in his eyes before disappearing again. 

"your parents said i could stay in this room, they said you would tell me which bed i am to sleep in." he mumbles awkwardly. 

"you can sleep on the bottom bunk." i reply shakily. he just nods and places his small bag down on the bed. I pluck up the courage and confront him, "you know your a real dick? Why'd you lie and tell them you were my friend dickhead?"

he looks hurt for a second. "i thought we were friends."

"you have been at my school for less than a day, you and your stupid mates kidnapped me and want me to act like nothing happened, you follow me around like a lost little puppy and glare at every boy who looks at me as if your my boyfriend. i dont think we will ever be anything more than aquaintances dipshit." he laughs, and lays down on my sisters bunk, laughing with a genuine laugh. 

"oh darling, you know nothing."

"will you stop fucking calling me darling, its annoying as shit."

"I know thats why i call you it. its fun to annoy you." i roll my eyes at his comment. "your cute when your angry you know that?" i groan at his statement, i am not dealing with him all weekend. 

i turn onto my side, facing the wall and sigh. i'm back home for the weekend, but i have to unpack, get lunch and leave almost straight away. i groan again and get up out of bed. i pick up my bag and chuck all the clothes into the corner, except my showing outfit, that i place in the corner neatly folded, so there are no creases in it for tomorrow. 

"hurry up loser." i say walking out of my room and heading down to the kitchen for lunch. If he was here to support me, he might as well help me. This is gonna be so fun. 


A/N: hey so that was chapter 12 i know its another short chapter, but i enjoyed writing this one because it builds up the tension for the next chapter.

word count: 626 words

N xx

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