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She rides horses, He plays quidditch, She wont admit she loves him, He doesnt believe in love.
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Oli stansfield ~ age:17 ~ halfblood ~ best friends: daniel smith and Elizabeth Granger
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Daniel Smith ~ Age: 17 ~ halfblood ~ best friends: Elizabeth granger and Oli Stansfield
i run down the stai-rs mattheo running after me probably thinking i was a race, i run through to the kitchen and skid to a sharp halt at the counter top. i push myself up and sit on the counter catching my breath when mattheo comes jogging in and looks confused as to why we were in the kitchen. i lean over grab two slices of toast and put some nutella on, theres my lunch for today. i walk over to the front door, and wag my pointer finger and mattheo to signal he needs to come with me.
i walk out the front door and start to walk down the driveway, mattheo catches up and swing his arm over my shoulder.
house insparation <3
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As i walk down the streets towards the stables, mattheo takes his arm of my shoulder and holds my hand instead. i get butterflies, i dont know why, its not like i like him or anything in fact i despise him. I despise him. I despise his gang. I despise his brother. I despise how he looks. I despise how easily he gets me to despise him. A couple boys i recognise from the villiage, they smile and wave. two of them come up to mattheo and i.
"hey Lizzie, how you been? whose this fella?" Oli asks. i laugh and shake my head slightly , who uses the word fella anymore?
"Ive been great thanks Oli, and this is Mattheo, he is my-"
"Boyfriend." mattheo intterupts me with a cold tone, giving Oli and Dani a death glare.
"ok, well great to see you got yourself a man, finally." Dani says, mumbling the last word.
"umm, what did you just say?" i ask knowing full well what he said. he blushes slightly knowing that i heard him.
he looks down while saying, " nothing just didn't think you would ever get over that last boyfriend of yours. what was his name again?"
i sigh and say, " his name was rueben, rueben esmeray." i look at mattheo, everyone knows the riddles and esmeray hate each other, he looked very guilty for some reason. please dont tell me you were involved in his disappearance. I pleaded in my thoughts.
"oh yeah he was that really rich guy, and then all of a sudden he disappeared. Shame that, i was just getting to know the guy as well." Oli says "anyways enough of the sad topic, you heading to the cafe, we were just about to go there if you want?"
"sorry Oli, i cant. maybe next time?"
"let me guess, brodie desperatley needs you?" he says sarcastically.
"yes he does, but i promise next time im here ill go to the cafe with you." i say as i walk away.
"thats what you said last time." Daniel pipes up laughing. i just give them both the middle finger. Dipshits.