Chapter 6

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*Elizabeths POV* - A Week Later

I wake up to the sun shining on my face, its bright yellow glow ruining my sleep. its a friday so there is a gryffindor party today but also there is an assembley this morning, apparently there are quite a few new kids joining us, they didnt join us last week because they  were all transfuring from different schools. 

i sigh and get out of bed, i go take a long hot shower, the feel of the warm water on myskin makes my body ache for me to stay in for longer, but eventually i have to ignore what my body wants and go get ready. 

I walk out the bathroom, letting the steam out to go get my clothes for today, fridays are an own clothes day every week so i can wear what i like. 

outfit <3

once im dressed i go back into the bathroom and do my hair and makeup

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once im dressed i go back into the bathroom and do my hair and makeup.

hair <3

makeup <3

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makeup <3

whilst im finishing my make up, Bea walks in to do her hair and makeup

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whilst im finishing my make up, Bea walks in to do her hair and makeup. 

"morning Bea" i say, turning to look at her with a smile. she smiles back and sits down on the bench next to me. 

"good morning. i wonder if the new kids will be boys. Merlin could you imagine if they are all super hot boys?" she says, proboably thinking out loud again. its been awhile since she has last done that. 

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