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She rides horses, He plays quidditch, She wont admit she loves him, He doesnt believe in love.
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First day of lessons today. I look at my time table, first potions with slughorn, then DADA with snape, next two are charms with flitwick and transfiguration with mcgonnagal and finally, a frre period for studying and then amgic creatures with Hagrid.
breakfast is at 6.30 am - 8.45 am. Giving us 5 minutes to get to our first class before it starts at 8.50am. then after two lessons we have break, where we get 15 minutes to eat and then get to our next class. another two lessons and then lunch for 45 minutes. After lunch we have two lessons and then we can do what we like until 6.30 pm as dinner starts then and finishes 8.45pm giving us 15 minutes to get to our common room before curfew at 9.00pm. lights out is at 10.00pm.
curfew is where you cannot go outside your common room, your either in your common room or your dorm for an hour and then at 10.00pm its lights out which meansd everyone is to be in theor dorms. Of course nobody listens to the lights out rule on fridays, each friday a different house will host a party, Slytherin always hosts the first party of the year, this friday.
it is currently 6.00am, i like to get breakfast at 6.30am on the dot so i have enough time to get to the library and get in extra study time. i made a promise to myself in the summer holidays, that i will ace every test i take and do my absolute best in every competition i go to. i will stick to that pormise.
I decide to take a shower since i have time and i want to look good on the first day back. when i step out it is 10 past 6, so i put my uniform on.
uniform <3
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i then went back into my bathroomwhile Ali started to wake up, the steam had evaporated now, so i saty down at the vanity and did my hair and make up.
hairstyle <3
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makeup <3
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While i did my makeup i couldnt stop thinking about the boy from last night, Lorenzo, he seemed so scared of the two brothers, they all did.
why was Lorenzo so scared of them? Why didnt he obliviate me? i mean too innocent? I ride a bloody horse, way to many things are said to Eva and I. Disgusting things. What was i going to do to find out more about them again? THE DIARY!
Once i left the bathroom i went over to my satchel and put all the books i would need and my timetable in it, grabbed my small bag that still had the diary from last night in it and then walked out the dorm room giving ali and bea time to get ready, while i went to eat breakfast. I got to the doors of the great hall just as they opened for breakfast, i walked in to see if i knew anyone, but there was abrely a single soul there. i spotted Alexia Diggory at the hufflepuff table, so i sauntered over and slumped down on the bench next to her.
"morning El." she said with a cheery smile. she has always been a morning person, i cant sleep in due to the years of getting up to go to my horse but i am never ever going to be as happy and energetic as her on a morning.
"morning alex. whats on the menu today then?" i ask hoping they have lemon and sugar pancakes.
"your favourite...cereal or fruit!" she exclaims sarcastically. she had got my hopes up there. i rolled my eyes at her and got an apple out of the fruit bowl.
"you know, you had got my hopes up there" i said, now i was in a mood.
"sorry gal. just had to mess with you on the first day of school didnt i? anyways whats your timetable for today? we might have some classes together."
" i have potions with slughorn first, then DADA with snape, charms with flitwick, transfiguration with mcgonnagal, free period and then magical creatures." i repeat my timetabel to her and as i say each lesson her mouth drops more and more. "why are you looking at me like that? alex? earth to alexia diggory?"
"oh my merlin, gal we have every single class together!" she screams making a couple students look up, i flip them off and they all turn around when they realise whose flipping them off. It's mostly ravenclaws and hufflepuff here, slytherins and gryffindors arent morning people really. "im finished and it looks like your finished so wanna go study before class?"
we both stand up and head towards the library, when i bump into a flash of white.
"dude, watch where your going" the boy says as he stands up. i turn round recognizing the voice. Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.
"fuck off malfoy, right now i want nothing to do with you." i state, my voice laced with both hatred and confusion. his mouth gapes open when he sees its me, he must of heard about last night and have realised that how i know he was involved in my kidnapping. and to think, i thought we were really gonna be good friends after he apologised to me at the start of last year. " are you going to carry on standing there catching flies or are you going to fuck off?"
he shut his mouth and ran off. wow a death eater is scared of me all because i know he was involved in my kidnapping one way or another.
"did you two fall out sometime after the train journey yesterday?" alexia asks as we continue to walk to the library.
"yeah.. i guess you could say that...yeah" i reply as i sit down with a history book, im not ding very well in that subject so best study it.
time flies by when your studying as it now 8.40 and we got into the library at 7,00. we put our stuff in our bags and head off to our first class.
A/N: hi so this is another short chapter as i started it and then didnt really know how to end it. anyways i might not be updating for a while as my friend isnt doing to well and im worried so i want to be there for her.