Chapter 10

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*Elizabeth Granger's POV* - next morning

I slowly awake from my slumber to the sound of my alarm, i set it up so i could get home, get Brodie ready for the competition and then tomorrow i would have enough time to get ready for the competetion. i go to get out of bed and get ready to go when i feel a heavy weight on my waist. 

sleeping position <3

when i realised i had somebody holding onto me, i realised someone was in my bed

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when i realised i had somebody holding onto me, i realised someone was in my bed. i had invited somebody to sleep with me. but that doesnt make sense, i remeber every single detail from last night. i went to the party, Mattheo tried to have sex thinking i was drunk too, i denied and went straight to bed, did i miss something? 

Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle. could it be him?

i slighty turn my head to look at the other person. And of course there is Mattheo Riddle laying there peacefully, fast asleep looking beautiful in the way the light was catching his face perfectly. Why him, why not cedric or harry or even that backstabber of a bitch, draco? does everyhting that happens in my life have to do with him from now on? 

i hate my life so much sometimes. If he is asleep, how am i to get ready to go home? how is he in my bed? Although that second thought is my least of my worries right now, i do kinda need to know. 

i carefully grip his wrist and steadily move his arm onto the bed next to me so i can cautiously get out of bed and take a shower, yes i know i take a lot of showers but i want to be clean for the show, but i dont want damp hair still, yet again the warm water hits my back making every muscle in my body suddenly relax. 

i walk out of the bathroom, to get my clothes, when i walked out i noticed he was awake, he was looking at the bookshelf in the corner of my dorm. he didnt seem to notice me so i quietly went to my chest of the drawers and got out some comfy clothes. i went back into the bathroom and got changed and did some simple make up. 

outfit <3

outfit <3

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make up <3

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make up <3

i walk back out to see he is on the arm chair next to the bookshelf reading Romeo and Juliet

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i walk back out to see he is on the arm chair next to the bookshelf reading Romeo and Juliet. i did not think that was his kind of book. i mean he isnt the kind of guy you would expect to be reading about romance. 

He looks up when he hears the door click shut. And he smiles at me? why the fuck is he smiling? but god damn that smile is cute. i pull a disgusted face at him and turn my back to him, to put my last few things in my bag.

"morning to you as well, little one." little one, what the actual fuck?

"please fuck off, one i dont know how you got in here, two you and yuor little gang kidnapped me and then expect me to be fine with it and three what fuck kind of name is little one?" i say decidng to give him some attitude. 

he just laughs and follows me as i exit the room, on my way to the train station. "stop following me before i kick you where it hurts." i state without looking back. 

"not till i know where your going this early on a saturday morning princess." he says, i can feel his smirk burning into my skin. 

"princess?" i scoff

"well you dont like the name little one do you? so its princess unless you tell me where you going." i ignore him, rolling my eyes i continue to walk. My back suddenly collides with a wall, a hand over my throat stopping me from breathing. 

i look up to see mattheo's eyes seem to have darkened and he is glaring back at me. "Dont ever ignore me. Do you understand darling?"

i want him to let go of my neck so badly that i just nod. "i need words." he states anger still lacing his voice. "y-yes. Can yo-ou l-l-let g-go?" he instantly lets go. 

"so where are you going darling? And dont ignore me this time."

i hesitate, why does he need to know? he starts to glare at me so i quietly mumble, "home."

"louder darling, i cant understand you when you mumble." he whispers.

"im going home riddle." 

"well then im coming too"

"no fucking way you're going to my house."


A/N: Hi so this is my book so far i have the next chapter in the making, just a quick question. should i rewrite my stories that i had from my old account and put them on this account or not? they were stories of my celebrity crushes back then but i will keep them the same and just edit them. 

word count :910 words

N xx

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