no description right now other than:
She rides horses, He plays quidditch, She wont admit she loves him, He doesnt believe in love.
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I walk around the house and we find them in the garage, could they not have told me before i left in the morning? panic over now though.
Show day! is the first thought that popped into my mind when i awoke from my slumber due to my alarm which was set for 3.20am. yes, 3.20am, the actual showground is 3 hours away from houston and then there is getting the horses loaded into the trailer and the traffic, because speaking from experience no matter how early you set off there is always traffic.
i lazily climb down the ladder and nudge Mattheo.
"Mattheo wake up. Mattheo. Theo wake up now please." i say trying to stirr him and wake him up but none of it is working. i unlock my phone and search up hog forn noises. i play it next to ear and he sits up straight startled. he slows his breath and turns to me, giving me a death glare.
"stop glaring at me and get dressed, oh and make sure it looks smart, its show day!" i say the last three words in a sing song tone as i walk out the door and head downstairs for breakfast, still in my pjs. I wont get into my show outfit until the last pit stop before we get to the showground, until then ill be in my pjs, so will eva.
I sit down at the breakfast bar and start eating jammy toast while texting eva, to make sure she is awake and ready to meet us at fordbank stables for 3.40am.
Good morning babes,
just checking your awake and
ready to meet us at fordbank for 3.40?
yes ofc love see you soon xx
k, see you in 10 then babes xx
mum is going through the checklist with me for the third time and its getting tedious. Dad is pouring himself a cup of tea and looking sorry for me, as he should and how dare he not not calm mum down and tell her to stop worrying. Everyone stops what they're doing when mattheo walks into the kitchen. I look him up and down, damn, he looks sexy in that tight suit. Where the hell did he get that from? He smirks widely when he notices me staring, i quickly avert my eyes back to my phone and scroll through tik tok.
Mum clears her throat, and gives me a look. i turn to mattheo and roll my eyes at him while saying, "you look very nice mattheo." His smirk gets wider, i swear it couldnt be any bigger even if my mum forced me to give him all the compliments to ever exist.
We all get in the car, dad attached the horse trailer to the back of the 4x4 late last night so we could set off for the stables as soon as we all got in the car, dad got in the drivers seat and mum in the passengers, i was stuck in the middle seat with mattheo on my right, when we get to the stable Eva will be on my left.
Dad parks the car and gets out to get the trailer ready while i run up to Eva and we hug and barely want to let go, we both catch up a tiny bit while we go get our horses, mine being Brodie and hers being Zues, their stalls are next to each other so we walk together, talk while fastening the head collars and clipping on the leadropes (i would be screamed at by my mum if i did my usual) we led them side by side to the trailer and loaded them in one at a time.
Once our horses were loaded into the trailer we both went to the tack room and put those in the tack cabinet on the side of the trailer. And we set off for the biggest show of our lives so far.
A/N: WE GOT TO CHAPTER 16!!!!!! To be honest i kinda thought i wouldve given up the whole thing by now, but i guess not!? anyway back to the point, i might not be writing for a while again because when im writing this a/n it is 02.05am and i have to get up tomorrrow for a family run and i have family over for the next 2 or 3 weeks. so i am very sorry if i do not update very much after this one.
Thank you to all those who have stuck by me from the start even when i stopped writing for a long period of time around october and again around christmas. i would also like to thank @iexistToo for being so supportive and for being with me during my whole writing journey.
i would appreciate it if people could vote and/or comment as it would really help me motivate myself to write more. thank you.
Eva's horse:
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