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Y/ns pov

It then made a sound like a Humm because it was thinking "It answer fast I don't have all day" I said after like 10 seconds It decided to stay with me. And I don't blame It mother and father can be a handful sometimes.

I hear a knock at the door so I quickly tell It to hide and they do [since It doesn't know if there a girl or a boy It prefers they/them] I see a woman with red muddy boots come in my room "Hello you must be y/n" the woman says "yes that is me, if you don't mind me asking, who are you" I ask " well y/n I'm Miss Thornhill" she says while handing me a (favorite flower) " my job is to match the perfect flower to each of my girls" Miss Thronhill "why thank you but can you please get out I need to change" I say while shoving her out of my room, quickly closing the door in her face.

"Something is off about her u just don't know what" I tell It
"Hey y/n I was wondering if you wanted to--y/n what's that" Yoko asked "oh this is It my assistant" I say "oh ok nice to meet you It" Yoko says "anyways y/n I was wondering if you wanted to sit at our table tomorrow for lunch?" Yoko asked "um yeah sure" I said back "great" Yoko said.

"Yoko can you um turn around I'm going to change into my pjs" I asked her "oh yeah sorry" she apologized. I quickly put on my sweat shirt and sweat pants "ok I'm done ima go brush my teeth" I tell her while grabbing my toothbrush.

>time skip<

I change into my uniform and head to class with Yoko since me and Yoko have every class together.
"Psst Yoko" I whisper "yeah" Yoko says " do you want to pull an all nighter today since it's friday" I ask her "sure" she responds back.

♡BLACK EYE♡ Xavier Thorpe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now