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did yall hear abt drive by at the whataburger 

if you dont lemme tell you but this is my pov so yeah 

I was picking up my brother from the walgreens , he goes to rl paschal high school 

while driving to go pick him up my mom pulls over because she the police sirens as soon as she pulls over 4 police cars zoom by and 10 seconds later my mom hears more police sirens so she pulls over and 3 more police car zoom by so my mom starts getting worried and says "call your brother to see if hes ok" (im not gonna be using his real name so im calling him brother) and im like "ok"

so I quickly call him and ask him if hes ok and hes responds with a yes while were talking on the phone I start to hear police sirens and thats when he starts to say someone got shot and it was a drive by so we arrive were at a red light and when i see a teen on the floor i think the person on the floor was a he because they were wearing gray sweat pants and a pair of shoes that were for boys i see 2 ambulances arrive and they go check on him the teen was cluching his lower abdomen i assume and i see them get a stretcher and put him on it then they get another stretcher head inside of the whataburger and come out with someone else and thats all i saw before the light turned green 

i really hope the two people are ok and im very grateful that it wasnt my brother 

my brothers says that he heard two shots go off and then 1 more then a bunch 

if you want more information search up shooting at whataburger 

♡BLACK EYE♡ Xavier Thorpe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now