♡~chapter 3~♡

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Y/ns pov

I quickly get ready for me and Yokos all nighter because  Yoko is basically my first friend  and Wednesday doesn't count because Wednesday is my cousin and Ive known her since we were 4 "hey y/n you ready I have a load of movies for us to watch" Yoko says "which movies did you get" I ask her "barbarian, smile, scream(1996), It, TERRIFIER,  bodies bodies bodies and the blair witch project" she says "great i'm going to go get drinks and popcorn" I say to Yoko "ok" Yoko says.

(time skip)

"hey y/n is it ok if I invite some people so its not just us" Yoko says while getting up "yeah sure you" I tell her "great ima text them real quick" Yoko says . After a while I hear someone knock  "pst Yoko its me open up" the unknown person says as Yoko quickly gets up and opens the door to see a boy with long wavy hair, a boy with a blue beanie and I also see Enid and Wednesday. They all walk in to our dorm, I quickly   quietly sneak up behind the boy with the beanie "hi" I say in a bland voice "crap oh hi" the boy says after being startled "i'm y/n you must be Ajax"I say " yeah i'm Ajax how do you know my name" Ajax says in a confused tone "I keep track of all the stupid boys around here" I say "hey i'm not stupid" Ajax says "sure" I say  "ok guys what movie do yall wanna watch first" Yoko says  " how about the blair witch project since it sounds interesting" Wednesday says "ok the blair witch it is" Yoko says while putting the movie on.

(time skip)

As It ended they all decided to go back to their dorms "ok bye yall make sure yall get some sleep and not get nightmares" me and Yoko said in sync as we laughed "hey y/n is it" wavy hair boy says "yeah thats me whats your name" I ask "Xavier, Xavier Thorpe" he says "well Xavier did you need something" I ask "no not really just wanted to say that you and Yoko should host these more often, tonight was fun" he said "really I will make sure to tell her" I say " Hey Y/n I know we bearly met but can I have your phone number you seem interesting" he say "yeah sure here"  I say while I give him my number  "great thanks see you tomorrow y/n/n" Xavier says.

y/n/n = your nickname

♡BLACK EYE♡ Xavier Thorpe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now